
Yeah... I have to stand with this one. This may just be THE TNG episode of all time.

Such a gentleman. And they say chivalry is dead.

"Researchers testing mental illness figured out how to induce schizophrenic symptoms in a computer"... Oh yeah... how could this POSSIBLY go wrong?

Mmm..... nettle fibers! That does sound comfy!

Sort of a re-imagining of plaid. Dandy.

I just popped this back into the Xbox over the weekend. Applied the updates and found.... bugs still a plenty. Getting stuck in walls does not count? Really? Come on. After playing for only 40 minutes, I got stuck on a rock. A rock. Had to restore from a previous save to get out of it. When you can so easily get

I cannot think of a single reason why I would not buy a book published by Amazon. Frankly, I don't think I would even notice who the publisher is.

Yes, because letting thieves get away with it is SO avant garde and fringe in the "Values" department. This is unadulterated crap. If you are stopping someone who is in the process of committing a crime, you should be protected from a lawsuit. Of course, you do this and it is proven the guy did not steal anything and

Bring it. [Pops Collar]

I am not buying into the whole "Steady decline" premise to begin with.

If anything this UNDER represents the crazy crap random people will talk to you about in Sedona. It also over sells their fashion sense and personal hygiene standards. Read the book.

And then integrates it into an... I dunno... maneuver of some kind.

Sadly in the same boat as you. I have never been a huge Glock fan myself (More of a Sig guy), but i would absolutely consider picking up this one if it was allowed here in Cali.

His scumbaggery is totally independent of his height. He just wears it all proudly and openly. His brother is quite a contrast - who takes it to the next level of douchebaggery and keeps it hidden.

Jeez... I have a digital stack of books to read in my kindle a mile high and then a dozen more good old fashioned tree killers to read yet.

Did not read the books. Had ZERO expectations for the show. I was having sort of a "What the hell" moment and added this show to the todo list on the DVR. I am now totally and completely hooked. Instead of some D&D fantasy come true I am getting some awesome characters and some story telling hijinks.... me like!

Get off my damn lawn.

@jbarr: What he said! Oh, and we have faults, we just don't need medication, therapy, government programs or group hugs to work them out or learn to live with them.

Also guilty of this. Doh.

Never saw any of these. Guess maybe the first one is worth a try.