
I am not sure that this one grew (or has grown) on Londoners. When I lived there from 2005 to 2008 it was pretty despised by the locals.

Even if it goes exactly as you say (and lets all keep in mind that what we are talking about is a solution looking for a problem), the go-to solution is not to let the government regulate. All you get then is more of what you are trying to avoid as these companies use the influence they have always used to skew any

Dude... NEVER pass up on the "Ye Olde" stuff.... its so satisfyingly minty.

We all get that this guy is applying general principles expressed by folks from the 17th century to a specific concept ... right? His point was that government mucking around in the net - even when that mucking is supposedly for our benefit (and of course there are just NO examples of the government making things an

Made by "Ralston" as in "Ralston Purina"... um... the dog food people? Yum?

I defy you to make me care what kardashian is pictured.

Cooperative or competitive? Up to the individual - that's part of the "Freedom Deal" you get to decide. You are also free to be a total douche bag. Freedom and responsibility are melded in the idea of a society of Laws rather than of Men - with the laws applying to all equally instead of at the whim of a man or men.

"An effect" is different from "trample on someone elses right". I have the right to open a bookstore right next to your bookstore. It is going to effect you... but I am not preventing you from keeping your store open.

I have always taken it to mean that you are free to do whatever you want as long as it does not trample on someone else's rights. All free to be as heroic or foolish as they please - and live with the consequences. As long as what you do does not break my leg or pick my pocket - have at it.

Clearly, the issue here is the foliage in the background. I mean LOOK at it! All ripe with pollen. Spreading its rich, plump seed to the winds.... it virtually FORNICATES before our very eyes. I am so offended right now I could just stamp my feet.

Dang! You beat me too it!

I have not looked into this thing yet, but it sounds good. The big thing is what to do with it when it is not in use. I would hope it sports the same magnets as the covers from Apple so that it can just stick to the side.

I think I am with you on this. Again, have not seen the flick yet, so it does not feel right to comment with any specifics. The trailers I have seen did leave me thinking going for a more period vibe would have been better. But no matter how you slice it.... even doing it in period style would not have made this any

Having read the book, it is kind of interesting to read posts from folks with a very firm opinion who don't seem to have actually read it themselves (Cliff notes don't count). I will see the flick for myself. I lost any faith in movie reviews somewhere around Star Trek II. In all honesty, I have always thought making

I feel a LotR marathon coming on at my house as well.

Wow... who to love with so many douche bags to choose from?

And there was much rejoicing?

I think I deserve my lumps on this one. It just sounded too much like some of the ramblings of former Psych professors. But in revisiting in less of a rush, I have to fess up.... I had it wrong.

I read the linked piece as well and I am not convinced that there was a joke on that end. You are convinced? I got a hint of humor here... but not there.

Did anyone else cringe a little at just the opening description of this one? I think it was a "Oh God I hope Bill Murray has not just destroyed a lifes work with this" cringe, but I can't be 100% sure.