
True Dat. Shiney.

I find myself wanting to make a coat of arms with #7 as the motto. Up until now, I was leaning toward "Unus Obvium Plures"

To answer the question, "does the blockbuster's chain guns and shoulder cannons and cigar smoking hide a much more nuanced tale of sexual awakening?" - No, it does not.

If I ever have to pick another dang red sage for that idiot with the flying contraption, I will throw myself from hanging rock.

I totally have the munchies now.

Nothing 5 or 6 pounds of makeup can't solve.

WTF.... #3. Someones going to have to rock me to sleep tonight.

I guess I am part of the "Coalition of Meh" on this one. I could not care less. I don't care if the ads in my game are made up or real. Now if their implementation of tracking how long an ad is in front of my eyes, etc. I will be happy to hack it right out... but other than that.... Meh.

I miss Samurai Jack. I used to watch that with my three sons and we would talk about them together. Amazing how many good attributes good old Jack exhibited.

Would the value of the silver and gold be effected by the amount of dragon poo it is encased in? Cuz I am thinking there would be a whole lot of this.

Yeah... there was a USS Enterprise long before there was a Star Trek

I think I might be able to sustain "rhythmic undulation" longer than actual dancing. This could prolong survivability, but limit my options with the post apocalyptic ladies.

Just a relief that despite the apocalypse, fire raining from the sky and some apparently very poor fashion options, the survivors still appreciate the importance of a good rave in daily life. Should we file this under "We are so screwed"?

It's funny. Whenever conversations like this come up I cannot help but think the whole thing tells us more about the person writing/talking it up than whatever stereotype is supposed to be happening. For many of these I was really left wondering how they made the link. Maybe I am just too thick. The Ferengi and Jews?!

Then came the fire marshall. Sadness ensued.

Apparently, just to piss you off. I think some deep breathing and some calm introspections on personal priorities might be in order. This gentle beginning to your slide down the flower strewn hillside of insanity will be a pleasure to watch. Carry on.

Apparently, lots more time and money than sense involved here.

Is it wrong that I have no idea who the dude that was singing in the beginning was?

Wait... so you mean it's like real life?! Crap.