Mel Gibson's dad is soo catholic he doesn't believe in the current Vatican. Until they're THAT level of crazy catholic, check mate Gibson family.
Mel Gibson's dad is soo catholic he doesn't believe in the current Vatican. Until they're THAT level of crazy catholic, check mate Gibson family.
One of the smartest guys I know from law school is a truther. I have known him for 10 years and I still can't reconcile the dichotomy.
9/11 truthers, anti-vaxxers, chemtrailers, these people don't deserve to breed. I don't give a fuck if a girl looks like Kate Upton, if she tells me over dinner that she's believes that vaccinations don't work and are causing autism, I'm getting up from the table and exiting the room.
Well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific…
Ray Lewis would not approve.
This is likely to cause a whole new round of debate. But if there's anyone who's ready for a knockdown-drag out fight, it's Ray Rice.
The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.
Anxiously waiting to hear from the Ray Rice truthers out there
dude, you've never been able to jump kick someone. I don't know what era your nostalgic over, but that was never a part of the game.
I'm a Vandy fan, and I went to bed last night without checking the final score (I mean, the game was long over by the time I went to bed, but I just didn't want to know). Then, I dreamed that we lost 357-0, and I got up this morning thinking, "Eh, plausible."
My best friend is a 5'3" tiny woman, and she runs all the time. Once she was alone and a dude on his bike smacked her ass. So she shoved him off his bike and yelled, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT WEARING A HELMET, ASSHOLE!!!" and then ran off.
Oh, boy. Jezebel's not going like this.
West Virginians: looking down on those other hicks down the way since Devil Anse Hatfield.
...and now don't those jersey buyers feel dumb...
As always, this is all Nick Saban's fault.
Tebow's gonna be caught with a 20-year-old Brazilian boy "Personal Assistant" 30 years from now, just you wait.
So, did he not know the publication that was interviewing him cause I can't imagine anyone being that shocked about a journalist for Out Magazine being gay.