
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

Was he arrested? If so I hope he won’t serve any time because he is all parents.

Seeing this really scares me. My son has some, we’ll just call them, difficult challenges in life and doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions. I remember when he took his younger sister to a McDonald’s when I was at work and my wife was dealing with a sick baby. My wife called me up in a panic and I drove

The perfect punishment would be lock the kid in a room until he makes a perfect replica without any clothes and the floor is made entirely of haphazardly scattered pieces of Lego superglued to the ground.

But will it save a person who is shot thru the heart by someone who gives love a bad name?

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

Wow, you know many languages! Very impressive.

Would love to see a physics-based RTS where units don’t have set attack values, but instead projectile velocity and material that interacts with the material it hits.

*Should of

*Should HAVE been you, terriblehuman

This is a DC comics joke obviously, but still apt in this case

That’s a lot of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) for a 13-minute “concert”. 5 t-shirts? 5 towels? Is he soaking the towels in juice and squeezing them into his mouth? Does he have a battery-powered towel squeezer which is why he needs all those batteries? I have so many questions.

I need to ask my grocer if they carry whole grain bread with the most amount of grains.

I wanna hang out backstage and light batteries on fire with Ludacris