
Hey kid...fuck you!

The 30-inch Zyla

If any of you are questioning whether this is safe for a baby, I am confident Zyla would tell us she died doing what she loved when she gains the power to speak in the next 2-3 years.

Searching for it...

OK but the real question is why pretty much ALLL the overwatch porn is futa.

This might be the greatest way to start my weekend. That’s it. I’m turning off my computer and leaving 1 hour and 39 minutes early because of this.

Since some have brought up confusion at why the artist chose a woman with breasts to bodypaint a male character, it’s worth clarifying this woman -is- the artist.

Right here

Now playing

Krunkidile’s version is amazing and predicted the entire thing.

Nobody that has ever driven in a Texas city should be surprised by this video.

I appreciate that the driver of the white car put his right turn signal on before chasing after the truck. Gotta respect the rules of the road.

Hey, Bishop McDevitt H.S.:

She’s going to cherish her memory of being on the show and high school will fade away for her like it does for everyone else.