
Faro is one of the best villains in a video game ever, and you don’t interact with him a single time, it’s incredible.  The sheer narcissism he displays to the very end and how the game parcels that out to you is just amazing work.

*spends 15 seconds navigating to Cyberpunk 2077 in my library and clicking an install button* 

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.

You’re kinder than me. I want asshole rapists punished. Put ‘em in jail. If they’re scared that they might be raped, turnabout is fair play.

I can’t stand this ass, but that table is pretty cool. This is stuff that other random youtubers might do and I wouldn’t shit on them for it. There is more than enough reasons not to like Logan and his brother without this being part of the equation.

Did this guy fuck up and deserve to go to jail? Certainly.

Holy shit, child rapists, murderers and other far more horrible people get far less time than this.  Did this guy fuck up and deserve to go to jail?  Certainly.  Does he deserve 110 years, not even close.  Total failure of the system here so far.

For a minute there I thought it was a new Lexus

The grille seems to have survived relatively intact. 

What a mensch. godspeed doctor.

Something about games like this, where you make a custom character who is at the center of a much larger cast of well known heroes, always makes me chuckle.

In the video she asks the question, people in the crowd cheer and the men on the panel looks chastened. Then men in the audience start booing loudly and you can see the panel become emboldened to start openly making fun of her. There is a lessen here about the fact that the misogyny in the game industry is reinforced

If you were lucky enough to be alive in the early 90's you’ll remember this dickhead trying to sell you a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. Same energy.

Still, Sheeley went on to say that Franklin wasn’t taking her medication because she was pregnant and she worried about how it might affect her child,

Wow! no spoiler warning about the ending?? Like seriously??

Maybe it’s the stories I read, but I remain impressed how the people we train to go overseas and fight can handle this type of shit so easily while cops lose their shit if someone so much as looks at them wrong.

I am not unhappy, it seems. I have dancing feet, I think...

I will never admit just how much his birthday party breaks my heart.

“It seems to me like they furnished them a house to live in. They furnished them clothes to put on their back. They furnished them food to put on their table and all they had to do was fucking work. And now we give ‘em all those things and don’t have to fucking work,” Allmond says.