
A set of Nokian snows at 20psi will turn a FWD minivan from a sled into a tank.

Is there a Mazda5 with under 100k for under $10k?

You want a van, not a car. Buy a van.

It clearly states in the article that the airspace over the fires is restricted, so yes, the drone operator is absolutely to blame here. Terrible take.

This is a really dumb take.

It’s been confirmed - it was an idiot Instagrammer. 

When I saw the headline, I figured that idiot drone operators were just making it unsafe to take off. But an actual *collision* damaging the aircraft that badly? I’m furious! These planes are extraordinarily precious; there are only 10 in service in the US, including this one. When they find that drone pilot, he or

Lawrence, I used to deliver flowers way back in the day and A/C, as Emily specified, is essential for keeping arrangements from wilting.  A pickup just won’t do.

Well I hope the dude got some nice shots, and I hope he will get some nice sides on his mug shot as well, because the “For the Views” social media doofus’s have been the bane of existence for quite some time.

I was about to say the biggest issue with their needs in climate controlled storage, so it’s either a van or suv as the only real options

Here’s a handy pic showing the difference:

Thank goodness they changed the stupid bulbous greenhouse proportions, oh wait. They changed the headlights.

Wow it looks... the same as it did before!

Pretty much. It’s clear to everyone except Tesla stan that all of their car designs are basically the same and based on the 12+ year old Model S. This new front end just looks like a slightly different version of the Cybertruck front... proving once again they have no real ideas.

Never go full CyberTruck...

The Model Y is ugly.  It literally looks like a model 3 that was vertically scaled by 1.5.  Same with the X.

Oh boy… they Cybertrucked the front end. 

For a brand new generation of beta testers.

And when Florida is fully underwater, we can send everyone to Greenland. Like our own little Australia for meth heads. 

May the entire crop of billionaires and 47's sycophants be in it when it collapses. Then seal it with concrete. Just in case.