
You are fired from the internet. Take your puntastic worldview and get out.

I foolishly bought WD1 day one. I will not be fooled again.

You can claim it is incorrect all you want, but it doesn’t make it so. WHFB was ailing poorly for GW, and their options were to completely revitalize it or kill it. They chose the former.

It actually wasn’t - it was less than 12% revenue by the time it ended. Sigmar’s numbers are already bigger. GW had to revitalize the game to make it work.

WHFB also had the major problem of how huge an army you needed to play - while 40k games tend to average out to 1500 points (give or take), most WHFB games were

Because WHFB was raking in the dough with its quality, let me tell you...

I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome this game is.

I love Age of Sigmar. Gameplay is incredible. New units are no worse than magical elves and grunty dwarves.

Haters gonna hate!

He’d need a bigger camera to cover the correct sized pauldrons.

Needs more hand flamer

I... don’t recall fantasy having an Inquisition? Sadly I only started with Sigmar on the fantasy side, so I’m playing fluff catchup.

For all questions about heresy, please see your commissar.

It isn’t ruined, but it did change the meta. The problem is that the Grey Knights are so impressively effective as a faction that the other subfactions of the Inquisition got stepped over. Sisters of Battle anyone? Coolest fluff, worst army to play.

Fluff-wise, I’m interested to see how the current war of Fenris pans

That makes sense - I’ve played Tau for so long and only recently started my Salamanders army. All I know about the Inquisition is that, fluff-wise, I can’t stand them.

Can non-marines even take a Thunderhammer? I don’t have that codex...

Thunderhammer with no Storm Shield? Pfft! Gitgud noob!

I remember when Olde New York was once New Amsterdam!

The best counter-reviews are ad hominem attacks!

That’s how you synergize paradigms!

“Why do people keep mentioning the Pebble Smartwatch to us?”

I can’t wait to spend $60 for a 4-hour campaign!
