
I’m not going to fight you. I’m going to help you fight people. In fact, I’ll raise you. The Rocketeer is one of the best MOVIES ever. Every single action in film informs character decisions and drives the plot forward. It’s beautiful aesthetically, and it’s god damned gorgeous narrative wise.

The Rocketeer was one of the best superhero movies ever. Fight me.

Tyler J’s essays are not about picking on Bioware. If you (a journalist) actually watched his essay you might know that his evidence is fair and grounded.

Don’t just throw blame jason, Tyler J has a VERY good and well detailed argument.

To be fair, the maker of this video (Clean Price Gaming) usually presents these videos with a very fair evidence based critique and offers constructive suggestions on how things could be corrected. It’s a video worth watching I think and not an overblown sensationalist piece although the titling may not reflect that.

If you also listen to what the video was saying he is not wrong on any count and I for one am happy that people are waking up to this nonsense we are seeing in the industry.

I consider videos like that highly important and if Anthem fails then it will be on EA not on the makers of these videos.

2017 was a horrendous

A YouTube video with nearly 900,000 views titled “Why Anthem Should Scare You | Has EA Destroyed Bioware?” just miiiight be the type of thing that the second-to-last paragraph of this article is talking about.

I never want to be so starving for internet attention that I race to be the first to make molestation jokes. You’re trash.

Dear Squeenix,

Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.

If you sign up for it, and they mark you as “present” when they take attendance, you fail.

More evidence to put on my “Smash players are the vegans of the gaming world” pile.


You lost me at “No Man’s Sky creator say”.

To be fair, Age of Sigmar is an awesome game. Just consider it a new game that happens to allow you to use your old Warhammer Fantasy armies.

You just wanna shoot Christians, be honest.

Ugh. Dammit. I normally do play Far Cry games, and I totally recognize they’re pandering to woke liberals here, and I still want this stupid game.

I just hope this one pivots back to sci-fi mutants like the original did. Superpowered mutant rednecks sound okay by me.

So do you just not buy game systems? Because you buy a system then it tempts you with games to purchase and as you said it’s a waste. Amiibos aren’t required for the Switch or Zelda at all. All the weapons and items you can get in the main game.

Poor people should be allowed to enjoy games, music, and movies as well, as anyone else. No one should be denied something because they can’t afford it.