
Uhh, seriously? That’s what you’re trying to figure out? Come on Bash... that is CLEARLY a chocolate-dipped waffle cone stuck to her head to be eaten later. I mean, if I had to keep a chocolate-dipped waffle come with me at all times, that’s where I’D keep it.

The new US: if you’re not offended, don’t worry, we’ll be offended on your behalf.

The movie is probably going to be awful, but not because of Scarlett being cast as Motoko.

Not sure if you understand the definition of the word ‘rightfully’ ...

Wait... I thought Kotaku WAS the seedy underbelly of the internet? Or is that Gawker in general?

Step 1) Get a concealed carry permit
Step 2) Always bring a gun to a knife fight

“I never thought Backstabby McTraitorface would turn on us - he seemed so trusting. What do you think Psycho O’Willkillusall?”

As an IBMer, I would like to take this time to apologize...

Totally agree on the stupid mini ones. The big ones... yes, the amount of fondant to chocolate is off, and it ends up being a painful sugar rush. The little ones are perfect. Too perfect. I eat them 12 at a time, and feel terrible about it. Up until I go to the store, and buy 3 more boxes, tears welling up in my eyes,

‘In Dragon Ball, “Kamehameha” (かめはめ波) literally means “Turtle Devastation Wave”’

It is childish to have a particular taste? I love this new line of thinking on the internet: “your opinion is different, and therefore must be ridiculed and dragged through the mud.”

Seriously, I don’t understand your argument here. They DO get to decide what happens to it: they can decide NOT to buy it. The real

I’ve just started wargaming - both Age of Sigmar and 40k (Go Tau! Beat those non-Tau and the Tau that aren’t mine!), and I welcome the glut of games. At the same time, I’ll never play most of them - but I appreciate that GW is allowing its IP to spread.

But frankly, I want something they will NEVER give: a game that

Our Foodie in Kitchen, Awesome Be His Name (Alton Brown) has an episode where he cooks bacon in a waffle iron.

And yes, you can totally do that. And it is totally awesome.

But then you have to CLEAN THE DAMNED THING. Grease everywhere. Bacon-scented waffles forever.

What? You don’t like a 100% loss-based db option?

It takes real skill to buy a functioning beloved database product and then ruin it

HEY! DB2 isn’t awful. It’s just that everyone prefers Oracle.

Grift 80? You should see the wizards pushing 98's...

I believe it is less ‘kids shouldn’t see this’ and more ‘let’s cover our asses so we don’t get letters’ censorship.

*inaudible squeeing sound*

It’s less grind-y than other games - have you played Fallout 3 or New Vegas? Know how you can pick up every freakin’ object in the game? Plates, forks, baskets, etc.? In Fallout 4, each of those items is defined by its core parts: steel, plastic, glass, screws, copper, etc. Each weapon mod, armor mod, or town crafting

The crafting system alone makes the game worth it - though I do find myself spending more time looking for random junk than fighting (unlike the previous Fallout games).

I do not like the limited nature of the new power armor - or how quickly and easily you obtain it - and hope an intrepid modder finds a better system.