
This is really more the entire industry. I really want to get the source for Game Dev Tycoon and fork it over to a more realistic ‘Industry Dev Tycoon.’

“Oh shit, you forgot to include taxes and paychecks into your crowdfunding campaign!”

“Oh crap, you didn’t know it costs that much to physically publish a game!”


Mine can run faster than Sonic AND he’s a Jedi with Sith powers but he can use them totally without going dark side AND he can also go Super Saiyan 5 which is like 3 more than Goku and then he also is a ninja.

(Actual line from a character bio on a Sonic fan character during an art contest I was judging. It haunts me

It’s not my joke (though I did make it waay back when I used to admin a Sonic forum) - there’s a series on youtube about Sonic shorts where they REALLY hammer the fandom on the copy characters.

My fan character Cinos - Sonic’s long lost twin brother - is COMPLETELY original.

Ah, no, see - that’s the beauty of it - I think Larson drew it back when the original Nintendo came out.

I think we’re both trying to argue that we like vanilla ice cream - I don’t have anything against pro gaming, and I don’t think anyone else should either. It isn’t my personal thing, but neither are pro sports. I do, however, understand why people are for it (and more power to them).

The Far Side comic I posted just

People will pay for whatever they like. If people want to pay to watch someone else play games, that’s their choice. We spend money on games, consoles, digital goods, and other crap that are not necessities - nobody really should be against the concept of pro-gaming, unless they are making a broad statement of the

And what, pray tell, am I trying to defend?

He needs cooler parents

I enjoyed MW1’s campaign quite a bit - up until the last part where it just got stupid. Still, it didn’t ruin the game for me at all. So I was rather excited to pickup MW2.

I should pause here and mention I’m that guy who plays SP games only, for the most part. I’ll pause for a moment longer while you laugh and/or

At those prices, you won’t feel like you’re getting screwed.

Don’t trust the Blizzard support reps when you’re not directly talking to them online. I was walking downtown the other night when this guy popped up and was like “I can get you what you need for a good price.” Since I assumed he was referring to HotS stuff, I asked if could help me with better lane carrying. He said

It took me years to finish as well, but mostly because the second disc text speed was pretty bad.

Oh, they’re all excellent. I just have a major problem finishing games. Always have. I have that ‘but I don’t WANNA go beat the final boss. I’m having fun RIGHT HERE’ mentality.

No, please no - don’t bring those weird monkey-things back. Far Cry 1 was awesome UP UNTIL those stupid monkey-things.

Which reminds me, I need to finish Far Cry 4.

I’ll just go ahead and put that RIGHT here, next to Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher 2, Witcher 3, Pillars of Eternity, Dying Light, Grimrock 2, Kingdoms of

20+ deaths during the forced arena battle thanks to a lousy checkpoint system saving my “you only have 5 life left” status. I loved the game up until that point. After that - and the area following it being full of OP enemies - I just lost interest.

I was loving it up until you got captured by the cliched antagonist and are cliched forced to cliched fight in a cliched arena. I had spent most time working on my running instead of fighting, and ended up take a ton of damage from the initial set of zombies. After dying, the autosave brought me back to a point where

Well, nuts. I was hoping for it - but with trepidation. After Dying Light went from yay to ugh for me, I’m a little burnt on Techland’s narrative. Hopefully they’ll rethink it and make it the game it deserves to be in the future.

As someone in his 30’s, I just automatically assume all things I don’t understand are some sort of drugs or gangs or gangs of drugs. That’s what all the kids are doing these days - ganging up on the drugs.

And I swear if any virtual frisbees find their way into my virtual yard, I’m virtually keeping them.

Ok, let’s be fair - we don’t KNOW that for sure. For all we know, ‘Jonathan’ was a time-traveler from a dystopian future ravaged by war who was sent back in time to stop the only known central cause of the conflict: the epic release of 2Awesome’s 3rd game “Hypnodrome” which caused mass hysteria and insanity in half of