
Oh, they’re all excellent. I just have a major problem finishing games. Always have. I have that ‘but I don’t WANNA go beat the final boss. I’m having fun RIGHT HERE’ mentality.

No, please no - don’t bring those weird monkey-things back. Far Cry 1 was awesome UP UNTIL those stupid monkey-things.

Which reminds me, I need to finish Far Cry 4.

I’ll just go ahead and put that RIGHT here, next to Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher 2, Witcher 3, Pillars of Eternity, Dying Light, Grimrock 2, Kingdoms of

20+ deaths during the forced arena battle thanks to a lousy checkpoint system saving my “you only have 5 life left” status. I loved the game up until that point. After that - and the area following it being full of OP enemies - I just lost interest.

I was loving it up until you got captured by the cliched antagonist and are cliched forced to cliched fight in a cliched arena. I had spent most time working on my running instead of fighting, and ended up take a ton of damage from the initial set of zombies. After dying, the autosave brought me back to a point where

Well, nuts. I was hoping for it - but with trepidation. After Dying Light went from yay to ugh for me, I’m a little burnt on Techland’s narrative. Hopefully they’ll rethink it and make it the game it deserves to be in the future.

As someone in his 30’s, I just automatically assume all things I don’t understand are some sort of drugs or gangs or gangs of drugs. That’s what all the kids are doing these days - ganging up on the drugs.

And I swear if any virtual frisbees find their way into my virtual yard, I’m virtually keeping them.

Ok, let’s be fair - we don’t KNOW that for sure. For all we know, ‘Jonathan’ was a time-traveler from a dystopian future ravaged by war who was sent back in time to stop the only known central cause of the conflict: the epic release of 2Awesome’s 3rd game “Hypnodrome” which caused mass hysteria and insanity in half of

Probably drugs. I don’t have any. Maybe they would help.

“Oh wow, that’s a cool looking figuuoooOOOOH JESUS CHRIST IT MOVES KILL IT WITH FIREoh it’s a person. Hah.”

My wife is staring at me strangely now.

You can call it ‘erotica’ all you want, but the man does a TON of porn.

That’s fair - Marvel has been getting a porn artist to do their covers for a while now.

I used PlayOnline for the most part trying to find all those stupid Chocobo hunt areas. The website was MISERABLY BAD at it. It wasn’t just the guide that was awful - the webpages were no better. Tiny tiny tiny screenshots that you had to squint at to make out the details they were talking about, and in some cases

Seriously, fuck this anime. It was beautiful, but it still needs to do die in a fire made of spikes.

Mike, has anyone told you that you have the perfect voice for a late-80’s era video cassette “HOW TO BEAT <INSERT NES GAME HERE> DIRECT FROM THE PROS” voice?

“Gawker hires Lois Lane”

I’m glad you guys can poke fun at yourselves.

“I left my treasure in one piece” should imply what it is actually about

I dunno, I think they ruined the game by removing all the best gear and putting it into that stupid multiplayer mode instead. I can’t describe how livid I was after spending 2 literal hours trying to steal genji gear from the marquis, only to discover that I couldn’t.

I’ve been waiting outside for the past 3 days dude! And it’s been raining! We gonna do this or what?

Your TWO CENTS? On the INTERNET?! Your opinion about your right to express your opinion is OFFENSIVE to me sir! PISTOLS AT DAWN!

Style is style - you can find a thousand different ones. The real point is buy a good case, not necessarily my case (which, sadly, you can’t buy anymore).