
Agreed - the copper core can be nice, but the basic All-Clad pans aren't exactly garbage.

Agreed - the copper core can be nice, but the basic All-Clad pans aren't exactly garbage.

As a pretty decent amateur cook, I will endorse that All-Clad pan and its seemingly high price. For $80, you're getting a great skillet. Unlike golf clubs or tennis rackets (which will only help if you already have actual skill), spending a little extra on your cooking tools will actually improve the final quality of

As a pretty decent amateur cook, I will endorse that All-Clad pan and its seemingly high price. For $80, you're

My only problem with Coolermaster is that whenever I see or hear their name I secretly add “-batur” to the end and giggle to myself until I can’t take them seriously.

It isn’t the least bit fair, I know.

I haven’t found a good laptop that I like. Most of them seem prone to heat problems, driver problems, or manufacturer problems. The best laptop I’ve ever bought is the one Toshiba my wife is currently using. 4 years old and still going strong. Paid $300 for it. It is.... insufficient for gaming.

It’s a matter of need, honestly - for a regular PC a simple cheap case can be sufficient. But if you’re building a dedicated gaming machine, a nice case will fulfill your cooling and enthusiast qualities.

No, you should get a case for cooling efficiency - leaving the parts lying about is a great way for an idiot roommate to trip and drown your motherboard in his god damned soda WHICH I TOLD HIM TO LEAVE IN THE GOD DAMNED KITC- *ahem*

...just... just get a case

A good case is worth its weight in gold. A bad case is worth its weigh in smelly dog turds. An overpriced case is worth its weight in gilded iron.

I shelled out $180 each for a pair of these babies, and I’m still using them 10 years later:

In grade school, we learned to use x. In algebra, we learned to use the dot. In calc, we learned to use the asterisk. In compsci, we learned to use parenthesis. The important thing is that you can recognize the proper syntax. In this case, it is obviously multiplication.

They're understood not to be vectors, so at this point is is assumed to be basic multiplication. The syntax is mainly for clarity.


*runs away giggling to himself*

Right, but I think your situation is an edge case, not a common one. But also when you're talking 90 paragon levels you're also talking about trying to make modicum improvements to gear, which is never simple.

And if you're talking about not getting a choice uberrare, like a Furnace, or T&T, or Witching Hour - well,

I dunno - I would think holding a heavy gyro-stabilized weapon for an extended period (especially balanced against the hip) would generate some nasty vibrations. I've used a heavy powered hammerdrill in concrete for over 10 minutes and I felt like I was going to lose my arms by the end of it.

Granted, based on the G4

Yeah, so it's gonna sound like I'm hanging up on you, BUUUUUUT

So the little micro one she fired at the end of the video isn't what I was referring to - I'm talking about someone trying to lug around the full version of the M-134 that is popularized in video games. The sheer amount of rapid vibration being loaded onto a human body from that monstrosity cannot be safe.

That is a

All the videos I've found have the gun mounted - do you know of one where someone is carrying one? Keep in mind we are discussing the basic idea of 'man portable' as the one used in the Predator movie.

I once shot a tiny little Sig .356 that - no matter what stance I took - would bop my forehead with the brass every damn time. It was funny - people kept trying to show me different stances and ways to hold the gun, but no matter what - BANG, pop, forehead, ow. The range owner just ended up lending me a hat to wear.

I wonder if anyone has been seriously injured or killed from casing ejections... hmm, Google is unhelpful.

"Capable of holding 1200 rounds of ammunition, which can be fired in only 17 seconds. However, it should be noted that this sustained rate of fire would cause the GAU-8 to reach temperatures high enough to completely melt through the A-10 and render the aircraft unfit for further combat engagements using the cannon."


Also not mentioned from the man-portable version: the fact that firing the weapon would most likely kill the wielder due to the overwhelming amount of vibration being pulsed through the human body.

Also no mention of the Phalanx system used for missile defense on modern naval warfare vessels? Nothing makes missiles

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