
Is it brotastic? How is the plot to the bro-adtrip? Do you get to team up to do brottacks with your other bros? Do you get to summon Brodin or Broseiden, God of the Brocean?

Bias alert:

Best game ever was 6. Followed by 4. Followed by 7. Followed by 10. Followed by 5. 9 is not on my list - I hated it once you

If the 'chosen few' are lucky, the entire thing is a scam. If they're not lucky, they're going to be in the hands of a bunch of idiots who are TRYING TO DO SCIENCE. It doesn't have to leave the Earth to kill people.

It's a $15 game, it plays like a $15 game, and it is as fun as a $15 game. The biggest issue I've had is that the AI is rather rubbish in combat. The only time I actually lost a ship is when I was being stupid and sent my tank into a bad position and had their entire fleet focus fire and bring it down.

It isn't not

It's funny you should mention that, because I actually got my doctorate IN cosplay!

Actually, based on how Mars One is being run, the headline should really be "A cosplayer is one of 100 potential people who will die a horrible death before getting to Mars."

First thing I thought of

Right sure, but you forgot the most important point: The company that made CITIES IN MOTION - a game about mass transit around a city - has a major problem with the traffic AI in their newest game.

That's... ironic? Funny? I'm not sure.

I'm willing to believe that they believed that the traffic was the last thing

I've always wanted a smartwatch - Tim and I are kindred spirits in wanting to talk to people via watch since our youths. My last watch died in September, and I decided to wait for the Apple Watch. The original estimated price of $350 was about $100ish more than I would normally pay for a watch, so the idea held my

The two times in my life I had to change my brake rotors:

1) I had an old Honda that ??????? happened to (neither I nor the mechanic were sure HOW it happened), but two of the bolts from some casing (NOT A CAR GUY. I fix computers. They're like cars but if you totally hose one it isn't as terrifying to replace) had

I'm not much of a car guy (aside from the 'I like cars' and 'I wish I knew more about how to fix my own car') but I have to ask... is that a brake rotor? Did the guy go into a crooked mechanic and have his brake pads replaced with grinding pads? Did the fact that the only things stopping his car were friction and

It's a pretty version of Mount and Blade. Archery in M&B was the same - you sucked riiiight up into you started killing everyone.

So, you're saying we'll soon be seeing 360 no-scope bow headshots vines?

It shouldn't surprise me - I'm forced to grain-of-salt my way through Kotaku these days, and the rest of Gawker really isn't any different.

Why would he? There's no real indicator in the story that the link is necessary, other than it points to yet another kitchenette story (thus making any attempts to explain WHY Yelp is broken dubious as you are sourcing your own stories). There's no mention of Bottom Bistro in the above story, or in the text of the

It was the first one available - non-watermarked ones are out there as well. But I can't agree that the original AD&D art is 'much nicer' - most of it was rather awful.

All is forgiven, except if it happens again, it will be war between our peoples.

While I do appreciate the 'original' Fairy Dragon art, Google Image Search can produce thousands of better pictures. Some of the old AD&D art is... well, it's good that we had it when we did. But we can do better.

Currently working on integrating the SIXTH Fairy Dragon into my current game. He's going to be the

Dragons being my absolutely favorite things of all-time-no-for-reallies-guys, I tended to make mine diverse.

A few notable examples:

1) Zynerraxes, The Destroyer of Worlds. A wyrmling red dragon the PCs rescued from the clutches of some evil denizens of the plane of shadow. He had no idea where his home was, and

Did Poland invade Nazi Germany?