
He is Aquaman. He's a little taller than the Atom, but shorter than Apache chief. Let's see you get by underwater as well as he does on the ground. He is a king beneath the sea!

But sadly, not even Peter David could make him cool.

I will repeat myself after the first week of playing D3:

"I will pay someone REAL ACTUAL MONIES for more stash space"

So, here's how this will work. I will pay for:
1) Hats. And by hats, I mean not hats, but anything that does things that have nothing to do with the game. Wings and such (as they stated)
2) Box space.

I haven't played enough different Civ 5 games to answer that - I know the AI is designed to taken advantage of their individual civ skills, so that obviously would yield varied results. However, I don't think they are designed to be 'good' or 'bad' in that regard.

That makes sense, but also raises more questions. Mainly "how awkward was the vote that led Nazi Germany to be a fan favorite?"

Since this is the internet, I'm unfortunately unsure if you're being vague as a joke, or if you don't realize that your prediction is applicable to all the AIs equally.

Thanks Luke - you just made me go type in 'nazi' into the Civ 5 workshop search field, and now 'nazi' is the first word to pop up on my autofill when I start typing.

And no, there isn't a steam mod for it - which, honestly, probably isn't that surprising. I can see that kind of mod getting flagged for... you know...

I'm actually curious about those changes now, but I'm not much of a reddit guy, so I'm not 100% sure how to dig through this. Aside from some sort of bias, the best I could think of would be a redefinition of the civ's main ideologies (expansionism, militarism, etc.) in order to avoid conflicting with another

North Korea has rainbow farting unicorns - they're a shoe in to win.

Somewhere, a writer wrote Ice-T's line about Kotaku, squealed in delight when it aired, and then immediately held us his hand waiting for the high five from Jason.

"WE MENTIONED YOU! YOU GUYS ARE MAINSTREAM NOW!" he says, with a big smile on his face, still waiting for his high five.

"Don't worry - we understand what

I enjoyed the fact that, exactly at 15:00 in the movie, the first guy to get hit is by Tony Jaa's knees 8 feet in the air.

The Protector should have a subtitle of "WHERE'S MY ELEPHANT: THE MOTION PICTURE."

IE should have a group of older, fatter brothers who show up from time to time "even though we got laid off recently, people still like to see us around." Assuming this is IE11, the poor guy should have problems getting hired because of the shoddy work his brothers did in the past. He himself isn't bad, though he is

I was really enjoying Dying Light... up until I got to the...

oh wait...


... mission where you have to plant some explosives on a nest. You're given 5 minutes to do so - and if you die (which I totally did because the zombie firefighter is a douchebag), your respawn only gives you 3 1/2 minutes.

I've been gaming for many, many years now - both as a player and as a GM. I'll offer the following bits of advice:

1) As a GM, understand that you have the power to kill the players at any moment, remove all their equipment, de-level them, de-power them, and effectively leave them with nothing. That isn't your job -

For what it is worth... thank you for your service, Mr. Peters!

Very few countries have laws covering digital goods in that regards - honestly I can't think of any aside from the ones the EU were working on a few years ago (that to my knowledge are still not in effect).

I don't believe Valve is making a sufficient amount of money off the 'con jobs' as you put it - the major ones

It *doesn't* as one involves gambling and the possibility of match fixing, which has its own serious legal implication in the many countries where the game is played. Valve has to have a proper stance on this in order to avoid lawsuits or major government crackdown.

The Early Access problem has more to deal with the

All I can hear in my head as he spins those things is me attempting the same feat while yelling "ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshithowdoIstopthem"

I've heard mixed reviews for 5e, but it is mostly positive. I'm mostly against it because of all the bullshit WoTC did for 4e - not just the system, but the overall treatment of writers, artists, and the like.

Most of them involve pictures of some dice sitting next to an apple pie with the quote "This pie is a better dwarven cleric than Steve."

(God dammit Steve)