
I have many, many, many D&D stories, but none of them involve mustlove tentacles or dragonborn assrape.

As an aside, I wonder if kinja has a tool that allows you to searching for a particular word or phrase and return the number of times it has been used. Mainly, in response to this thread, the word 'assrape.'

While that sounds interesting, I'm glad my group moved to Pathfinder - After the mess that was 4e, I've lost any remaining faith I had with WOTC.

Well now, not so fast - what if XP is actually awarded by a panel of judges who gives points for creativity, skill, effort, and tentacle usage? If that were true, then quick judgement would be ideal in order to move the game along at a proper pace.

Apparently one bereft of tentacled assrape

Life is good, my friend - why ruin it with unwarranted hate over a troupe of people doing comedy? On the internet.

Again, situational awareness. Ask yourself: is this worth your time and energy?

Your level of venom for this is not conducive to the overall importance of this video. We are literally at a "hey, I think this is funny" "NO IT ISN'T IT IS AN AFFRONT TO ALL MANKIND" level of anger here - and that's honestly not okay. I know this is the internet and all - home of the overreacting comment - but you

I'm... not entirely certain your meaning of D&D and my meaning of D&D are the same thing.

Man, this actually really sucks. Now I need to find a place to get all of my gaming news.


*looks awkwardly at the top left corner*

I don't see the problem - he's clearly riding a pair of unicycles and using Robin and Nami for balance on the rear cycle. Doesn't everyone do that?

That's not evil, that's just you being a douche. The "PC Master Race" crowd started on two fronts:

1) Yahtzee made a funny joke, meant as a jab, but the primary PC players took it and ran with it

2) For many years, PC players were suffering from poor ports, ignorance from developers, and general suckery at the behest

Not feeling dissed, since you are over double time into the game compared to me - good to see things do change as you play.

1) Ignore the god damned heavy weapons. Sure, that heavy fireman's axe of doom has a 180 base damage, and sure it will cost ALL of your monies, but... 180 base damage! Your current hammer is half that! That makes it TWICE AS GOOD! RIGHT?!

We always discuss the 'game-ification' of things in life - I think we can delve further and actually discuss the 'genre-fication' of games as well. AKA mixing elements of one genre in with another - with the RPG elements being the most common.

3 had better refined mechanics, but the story-locked elements were annoying (not to mention the story itself - which wasn't awful, but very... I dunno, B-minus). Some of the inclusions were strange (I... never really used money. I didn't see the need to do so - the towers were so accessibly and gave you FREE GUNS!),

Hm, I dunno - they just don't *feel* like RPGs. To me, an RPG is truly define by how your skills are managed. By that, I mean that your ability to do anything is tied to some sort of advancement system - Skyrim allowed you to stab things better, Final Fantasy allowed you to... well, stab things better, etc. In Far

Did you just DISAGREE with me on the INTERNET? How DARE you sir! PISTOLS AT DAWN! *gloveslap*

I just can't agree with Crysis being the better game. Crysis was just Far Cry 1 again, with nanosuits.

...not Total WAAAAGH! ?

Opportunity lost, gentlemen

Funny that the SDF-1 should pop up today, because this is my current life.

You should have asked "now where the hell is my pizza?" just to see if a popup about your pizza would come up.