
Oh yeah, dude - I remember when I used to be good a video games. These days? I play SP only just to get away from people with Lozzle's mindset (and people who have Lozzle's mindset combined with toxic mic tendencies). I meet people all the time these days, and we start talking about hobbies.

I played for an hour on Sunday, enjoying myself thoroughly as my more 'hardcore' nephew looked on, offering sarcastic praise. "Oh yeah, you're doing great. That's totally impressive."

My wife has been watching a let's play of it (all the while fussing at me for not getting it so she can watch me play it).

Honestly, the game is better if you redub everyone saying "From the guy that did Resident Evil" over and over again. Because then it is just kinda funny.

*Inaudible Squeeeeeeing sound*

Just like a real CEO!

To quote myself to some German friends: "HEY! I know my name and I can identify when someone just used their version of 'dumbass!' Bite my Schnitzel you bastards!"

Context is everything.

"Many of the younger characters, like Jackie, use English mostly, but punctuate their dialogue with Chinese phrases — for impact and emphasis, just like my Dad."

You just answered a question I've had for almost 15 years now. In almost EVERY game, movie, TV show, or what-have-you, multilingual characters constantly

Colonial Marines homage?

That... is the most interesting way to describe a person ever.

Not a quick learner are you?

And I should care about what other people are doing because...? Why can't I play the game the way I enjoy? I never said my Tal Rasha gear was good enough for higher rifts, I just said that I like using it.

I don't give a rat's ass about your rank, your abilities, or your opinions. This is a single player game I play

Cool cool. Hey... where are you on my list of people whose opinions I give a rat's ass about? I can't find you anywhere in the top 100... or the top 1000! This is awkward - give me a moment to see if I can search the full list for your name.

I'm laying waste to T6 stuff, actually

The wolf is actually just a simulation.

"I've modded the game to remove everything that happens until you get to Gran Pulse the 2nd time"

That would be a good start.

Oh wait, that would remove 99% of the game.

via xkcd:

Now see here, you, Jason has been playing the Pokeymans for longer than you've been alive - if he says it is Chardmander it is probably Chardmander!

I almost did - 3 times. Got saved by my templar twice and my Firebird's meteor saved me the 3rd time. I was sweating by the time that exit icon popped up.

I've seen that one, but the one I ran for my GRift was more accordian-shaped. Long tunnel, corner turn, long tunnel, corner turn... basically it looks like one of those Aztec serpent paintings. And it went on FOREVER.

I got 33 legendary drops yesterday - bless the RNG!