
Funny you should mention the long tunnel - I had a GRift that was just that. It was the Caldeum Sewers level, but it was just a huge snaking tunnel with no branches. The more I ventured, the more I started to sweat - I was running a difficulty level right at my current limit, and dying in a GRift means having to

Dammit, it is way too early in the morning, because my mind added an 'L' into 'Back' and my first thought was "wow - that sounds REALLY progressive for racial harmony in China."

Then I read the article while drinking coffee and had an "oh, wait..." moment.

At one time I had a build with 33mil toughness but only 900k dps - when I threw caution to the wind I ended up at 1.3mil dps and 12.5mil toughness. I can ditch the firebird's and such and get 1.6mil DPS and 18mil toughness, but this costs me my elemental and elite damage - I effectively am relying on that 1.6mil DPS

I may need to learn how to teleport soon. I always seemed to have abysmal aim and end up standing next to something large and hungry.

I'm leveling my bane of the powerful and bane of the trapped right now - taeguk and zei's are already at 25, and while I like my taeguk I've had far too many experiences where keeping

I haven't had a cindercoat drop at all since I hit 70 - rather annoying. I have had a few maximuses (maximi?) drop on me, but since I convinced myself that I wasn't going 2H, I fed them to the blacksmith. Egg on my face! But I do have a Sankaris I need to play with.

So I tried this build and it works surprisingly well except for two problems:

1) Things die slowly. That's not good for some greater rifts - namely the ones that seem to be mostly empty for long treks.

2) Things that charge/teleport/shift around become menacingly difficult to deal with. With my build, I can usually

Yeah, I guess, but I'll feel like such a tool while doing it.

But I can't make awesome Robotech Disintegration Cannon jokes without it!

Also I hit my Taeguk gem up to 25 first, and Disintegrate is somewhat integral to keeping it at 45 stack. But I will have to play around with skills in the future.

I can't hear you on account of all the freakin' meteors falling around me. It is thunderous sound of freaking awesome.

Use the cheaty cheaty grift method: start at grift level 1, burn through it, wait until 2 minutes before the end, finish it, get loot, get grift level 2 keystone, repeat. I've gotten dupes of the entire set at this point. With crap stats.

Sadly I'd have to give up my phoenix source and put on my firebird's chest item if I wanted to use a 2H weapon - and I'm running Tal rasha's as my other set, and I like having meteors rain around me too much to give that up.

I am actively seeking a Gift so I can make my Sankaris axe not suck. 20% additional fire

For my wizard, I finally got the final piece for the Firebird's Finery last week, and after switching myself to 101% fire damage, I'm able to EASILY handle T6 and up to rank 28ish greater rifts.

For wizards, I highly HIGHLY recommend looking into its new 6-set bonus affix. With enough fire spells (new fire version of

It's all dodecahedra in the sequel

Rubies are great for sub-60 - after 60, an emerald is where it's at. It honestly really depends on your crit hit chance - if you are below 20% the ruby might be better. If you have a high attack rate or a high crit hit chance, the extra 140% damage will really shine.

Glorious PC Gaming Master Race: Gaming for your sins!

I seriously need to get an animated gif of this with the hair billowing and some swvedish death metal in the background.

Yes, I'm aware gifs don't have music, but I can hear it in my MIND!

Oh, uh, anyway - 2nd's on the emerald. My flawless emerald makes up about 20%

This - I do some savegame hacking on some of my PS3 RPGs to help reduce my need to grind, and I've seen the Diablo 3 mods that are available - pretty much any numeric value you have on your character can be messed with. Want 100,000 main stat? 1 billion gold? Weapons with 1 million DPS? Doable.

I want PC offline so

The "Details" screen actually added calcs for elemental damage - you can hover over and see the hard numbers based on your current DPS average. It isn't exactly what I wanted, but it's nice.

Honestly, I just want to see an option on my Disintegrate screen what my damage is based on DPS using that spell with my 94%

True - it really is build dependent. I found dropping my perfect moonlight ward for another amulet with a socket to just not be worth it. But that MLW was freaking PERFECT in every sense, so a 25% drop in damage wasn't made up by any gem.

Honestly, it makes me wish for an 'experiment' system in D3, where you can

That's what I figured - I don't really play more than one character so I didn't feel like experimenting.

This same technique is actually recommended when you first start using the new patch. 2.1.0 added Legendary Gems - all of which are awesome - and they set it so that the grift bosses are guaranteed to drop them until you get them all. They're unique across accounts (I think - may just be unique across characters),