
To addendum your metaphor and make it disgusting, Aliens: Colonial Marines is like hiring a prostitute and finding out she has a penis (assuming this is a situation in which you did not desire a penis - if you did desire a penis, then no penis would exist). And the penis has diseases. And she steals your wallet.

If, in a crass world, you were to compare video games to sex, then COH would be great sex, while Homeworld would be "some of the best sex you'll ever have."


*slow clap*

It's a big luck of the draw - the biggest issue is that the scripting engine was prone to race conditions, so it is entirely possible to replay the same set of quests and get different results in terms of bugs every time.

BG1 and BG2 were both buggy as hell to begin with - Beamdog wasn't exactly starting with a clean slate. I will, however, agree that their lack of continued support for either game is troubling.

You had me at "single player."

You also had me at "giant spaceships."

...but I don't play multiplayer, so you needed more than "giant spaceships." Hence my first statement.

Ceres's cries of "THUNDERBOLT" are why I muted my TV. But I sunk 120+ hours into this game. I BROKE this game. I had an Eternal Sphere before I left the first disc. It may everything... well, super easy sadly.

I went back and replayed it. I promised myself I wouldn't use recipes FAQs to my advantage.


AAAaaand I

Woah woah woah... did you say single-player RTS title that puts you in command of a fleet?

*pulls up a chair*




Oh God... that ending... that ending was so... yep, that broke me. I need to stop laughing so I can breathe.

Previous story I read was about Microsoft trying to shed its dudebro image.

And now... this.

I guess EA wants to make up for what Microsoft is leaving behind.

"We are doing this in order to keep trolls away while still letting civil, valued commenters contribute to our community with words and visuals"

Aww man! I guess I won't get to make any more "your mom" jokes!



I don't see why - everyone just renames him/her to "BUTTBALLS" anyway.

How DARE you sir! My mother was an internet comment! This is an outrage.




No I haven't!



ez3k13l (ohhh that's l33t speak for ezekiel. gotcha) actually meant that Kano now does +1d6+2 damage to certain monster types while also allowing for an additional +2 to hit.

Will this method also work on internet arguments?

We're actually rooting for your to direct the Power Pack films.

"There is NO SEX in the champagne room. THERE'S CHAMPAGNE in the champagne room, but there is no sex."

I swore after DA2 and ME3 I'd never let them hurt me again. Which is why DA:I is preordered. Because life is confusing sometimes.

I bought it because I liked the DLC from DA:O and I thought "surely this is a good investment and they won't take advantage of me this time by providing shitty shitty shitty side stories."

I've been hurt before. Sadly, I'll probably let them hurt me again. It's an abusive relationship that I just can't get out of.