
The story was actually a collection of 4 stories that didn't really mesh with each other, aside from providing backstory. Blight vs. need money vs. fight the incursion vs. SERIOUSLY GUYS YOU WERE SUMMONING DEMONS DON'T LIE THERE'S A GIANT DEMON RIGHT THERE. They didn't fit - the only sync was your character.

It felt

*Points* Unclean! Unclean!

It had its moments, but the characters showed no real development, the story was massively disjointed, and they seemed to do everything they could to disrupt their own universe. I enjoyed the gameplay modifications - the classes felt better, the skills were more useful, and combat was easier to control.


No! This isn't right! Someone is wrong on the internet and I need to fix it!

"Did like the story and the characters"

*rehashing joke*

Ah, so yes... you WERE the one

"even the 2nd"

So YOU were the one.

Molten Corgi? Dammit, why are game companies so BAD at this?



Geez people, get with the program.

Pip says 'hi' and would like your soul.

Having played D3 1.0, D3 1-year-later, D3 2.0, and RoS, I can say that RoS made the game fun again. There are still some rough edges and annoyances, but I enjoy hopping on with my friends and running rifts or bounties for a half-hour or so and then hopping off feeling accomplished.

Hopefully 2.1 does not destroy my

Oh Jesus, I need to hide this from my wife before she sees it and goes volcanic.

As someone who works in a non-gaming software development corporation, I can tell you that this behavior is par for the software course. A lot of it has to do with licensing, legal, patents, and trademarks. I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not going to try and discuss these points - other than to say that every time we do a

Cop 1: "Wait... both the victim AND the accused liked to EAT!"

Cop 2: "Dear God... what if THERE'S A CONNECTION!?"

Cop 3: "Sir! Sir! We just found out that both liked to BREATHE too!"

Cop 1: "Oh God... my daughter... my daughter likes to breathe"

Cop 2: "Let's roll!"

(I know it wasn't the cops in this story but it


*eyeball emoticon thing again. Still can't find one.*

Very true... very true... at least that's what I'd say if I was easily swayed by the siren song of a tricky sneaky SATAN!

*I'm watching you animated emoticon*


SOMEONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME? Why that's just the kind of talk I'd expect from a DOOM SATAN!

*I'm watching you emoticon 'cause I can't find one online*

You mean "The Best Final Fantasy?"

There's not much to talk about. Attempting to do so will require all parties to simply play through the entire game. MULTIPLE TIMES. It's just that good.

Anyone who disagrees is a satan.

So since you're obviously not busy, my car needs to be waxed

Hey now, I'm from Lafayette. We've managed to not fully sink into the basin just yet.

Also Lake Charles USED to be big.

So, I know most people are only aware of New Orleans when it comes to my home state, but I've honestly never thought of Shreveport as 'small' OR 'backwoods.'

I mean, it's not Monroe. Or Breaux Bridge. Or any of the other hundreds of actual, small, backwoods towns in the state. It's probably the biggest city in the