
Because I have to

Is it okay that I don't understand this? I saw the planking thing a while back - I didn't understand that either.

Wait, you can BUY Photoshop? I just always assumed there was only one copy in the world that slowly got passed around the internet for "trial purposes only."

Remove Titanfall, replace with any other title - they actually did this with Halo way way back when it was meant to be a PC/Mac title. The point is that console manufacturers are paying for exclusivity which is actually a consumer-hurting action. You could make a similar argument with EA's NFL monopoly, or even go

Demanding a company repay you for being 'loyal' is akin to demanding a tiger not eat you because 'you totally like tigers' - money changed hands, and Sony got the better part of the bargain.

Pfft - Greenpeace ruins everything.

"And the lord dideth spake: thou shalt first press the up button, followed by a second press of the up button, after which thou shalt repeat the same treatment to the button opposite of up, which shall beget the button toeth thine left, along with its right-most twin, to whicheth the first brother shall speaketh

Ok, wow, that was nothing short of amazing.

I'm not talking about the game - it looks fun - I'm talking about the video cassette method.

Man, I had dozens of those stupid things. Most of them were crap. One was just a guy literally reading a Nintendo Power. So you could pay $3 for a Nintendo Power, or $13.95 for his

Call my cynical, but I honestly think this is true of ANY investor in ANY field.

Here's how investing works:

Executive 1) We need money
Executive 2) I'll gather some investors
*Waves financials information out window*
Investor 1) *sniffs* I smell money *runs and throws money at executives*

So, I think I see your point about the closeting - though it isn't my intent to suggest or encourage that. I guess from my perspective I see homosexuality as a sum of a whole (I keep using that phrase, so I need to explain it). In my case, I am Caucasian with a Cajun ancestry. I've lived in the south for most of my

You say that but OMG I JUST GOT A SET ITEM! Time to add 5 more hours to my "I'm going to stop playing" clock

Right, save for all the news stories talking about DA's "first fully gay character" and the discussion above from the writer. The question is which tactic was used when writing the character - the one mentioned in the bio, or the one where the writer defines him by his sexuality?

Hmm, I think I see your point, but let's look at this another way...

So, I next wanted to wish for someone who is gay to comment and let me know his/her feelings, and you just did, and that's awesome. Since wishes are apparently being granted today, I want to retcon that wish from "serious commenter" to "a billion dollars." Fingers crossed that this works out for me.

Hmm, well Reaper of Souls has rekindled my desire to play Diablo 3 and actually enjoy it, but I'm not sure if that makes it good or just finally fixes enough problems in the previous game.

Topical high-five!

Sweet, let's be BFFs. You can come to my BBQ Friday. You have to fight my old BFF to the death however. Caution: he's a biter.

(This was meant to be a joke, btw - I don't know if my original posting conveyed that enough)

Hmm, I don't think that's necessarily a good role for a writer to have - while I certainly enjoy the aspect of being force to choose between 'awful choice 1' and 'awful choice 2' I think some of the impact is lost when you are forced to do it a dozen times over and over. It gets to the point where you understand that

I really liked Alistair, but only when paired with Claudia Black. They were a riot.

That's promising, but the writer's statements above give me a sense of dread.