
I can say 'Dr.' or 'Doctor.' It's a perfectly reasonable and acceptable abbreviation.

Since when has that been a reason not to watch something?

No no, I said 'Dr. Who' not 'your mom'

You started with Eccleston - the new run effectively. I wasn't a fan of him either. You can jump to Tennant or Smith and you'll probably find the show more enjoyable - the show has hit its stride by then as well.

A better question would be "why the HELL aren't you watching Dr. Who?"

The "85% of all statistics are made up on the spot" process

Whatever you say TIME WIZARD!

TL;Don'tGiveAShitToRead - again, I love how people can heap judgements on me based on a post written from a humorous bent. The hedge is lovingly cared for by my wife. Vet has given him high marks in terms of health and care. He's just a douche. You can downvote me all you wish, but it won't make a rat's patoot

I assure you, your opinion of me is extraordinarily important to me. I will file it for future perusal.

Bullshit, we can go LOWER. I have not yet begun to stoop, and this is the internet!

I would, but my wife adores the little quillmonster. And we recently found out that he is allergic to aspen - the primary bedding for hedgepigs. He has been sleeping in a substance that makes him itch uncontrollably for his entire hedgelife. We switched to a recycled paper blend and he doesn't itch anymore. Might

Another hedgehog post! The last time we had one I hit about 200 likes and comments on my dissertation on hedgehog ownership.

DUDE! What are you doing with my high school picture?!?!

Huh - I frankly expected for boobs and weiners. I guess South Park has me trained too well.

I... don't know what that is. But I know I don't want to google it from work. Good to see porn sites with awesome communities I guess?

If I did join, I would totally go for a weird handle like "Sticky Dan" or something.

(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)

(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)

(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)

Frankly, this sounds like a really good one to watch - it might be the breast one of the season.



By the time I have nukes, I usually own half the world. At that point they're just bonus.

The music is also stunning. When I got to the Plague Tunnels for the first time I just stood there until my buffs ran out listening.

I'll start off this comment by saying that the writing in Diablo 3 was pretty bad, so it is hard to really explore it in depth. Well, actually, bad isn't the word - "basic" is more like it. The dialog, the plot, the outcome - all pretty cut and dry.

Well, the ball isn't rolling downhill with wild abandon yet - we had working VR back in the 90s. It was expensive. It came with a free bucket to puke in. But it was there. I'm glad we're exploring it again, but it really needs a lot of momentum to take off properly. This sale is causing a lot of bad press right