
This certainly has kicked off a firestorm on the internet. My initial thoughts when I read the news were full dread. After reading this article, I have less dread, but I am still in the dread category. Why? Not because I don't trust Luckey, but because I don't trust Facebook. Their business model over the past

nVidia... we've been friends for a long time dudes, and I am still eagerly awaiting the 800 series. But... man, we need to sit and talk. I brought your friends here. We have pizza. We've got a copy of Frozen to watch afterwards. It sorta fits our theme for tonight. Because, really, we need you to let it go, man.

Or you could shoot for large, bearded, comic book murderous iconoclasts, or "Mooreders"

God bless you for including the Leeroy Jenkins reference.

Puritan zombies, perhaps?

Shirts are apparently the first things to go during a zombie apocalypse.

Regardless, the art is good and the ideas are clever. I would have preferred Snow to be surrounding by a cadre of elite zombie-killing murder deers, or 'Murdeers' if you will.

Articles like this are why Kotaku is becoming a really awful site. You didn't even link to their kickstarter! Now I'll never be able to spend money on their bullshit product.

I wonder if I can buy the $500 package twice. Knowing I spent $1 500 times twice sounds cool. I know it sounds like a waste of money, but the

Nothing really - it isn't as good as Steam, but far better than GFWL. Haters gonna hate.

...which is easy, because EA is easy to hate. But if you're going to lie with the devil...

Dare I ask if the modding community has saved it?

I'm actually ok with this list - I would move Shogun 2 up a notch, but I am completely fine with everything otherwise.

Wait, who did I just agree with... Luke? Ok, that's fine, I'm ok with agreeing with Luke.

Seriously, is Rome 2 playable now? I installed it, got to the loading screen, started a game, waited, went

I have failed as a gamer. Your response is brilliant. I award you SIX internets, sir.

Why is the cross of Saint Peter on Reggie's nose?

I've run it a few dozen times now - I think it has eaten at least 30-40 stones from me at the most. I have sadly never managed to 0 stone it, but only because skydrops screw up my attempts to stall in round 1, or I have too many binds after rounds 1 or 3. I've seriously been considering tossing my max-awoken Ama on

The poor US servers don't get half of the collabs that Japan gets, and it means we miss out on a lot of skillup opportunities.

Though I did play through the Hello Kitty collab far more than I should have.

PAD is the worst kind of crack ever. It is crack that keeps changing itself and saying "HEY LOOK, NEW STUFF!" while still charging the same amount.

And then it hints "oh yeah, you can play for free! We totally give you free stuff every once in a while."

And then the Twinlit Dungeon comes out. Or Trifruit. And you're

Then we are in full agreement. I bought it and played it for 30 minutes before uninstalling it and crying into a brandy glass full of OJ in regret.

I heart this post. FF13 made me angry. My wife watched me play the entire fucking thing. She was equally pissed. It wasn't a FF game. It was a "pretty" hallway walking simulator interspersed with a combat engine where the goal was to select the correct combat configuration and hammer the X button until you won.


Are we specifically referring to Two Worlds TWO? Because the first one wasn't awful - it had some neat game mechanics that I enjoyed exploiting.

It was, in fact, the main reason why I spent a full FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS on the sequel - which was several flavors of horse shit spiked with some dog shit and topped with a

My counter proposal

"Everyone has 140 characters to be a comedian" as one of my friends put it.