
Ermm... yes and no. Yes in that our community is wholly toxic on average - just ask Anita Sarkeesian. She deserved a well-though out counterpoint to her videos. She got the worst parts of the internet. It is similar with Orth - he deserved some of the responses, he did not deserve all of them.

The difference, of

As opposed to hilarious road-rage grudge or hilarious politics-rage grudge?

I don't think you need to know someone to become angry with them. Anger is an emotion. Emotions rarely follow logic. I'm not saying all anger is undeserved, but full knowledge of the person shouldn't be a key point in 'why am I angry with this person?'

So, at first I was rather unhappy to see Orth's name in the venue of video games again - his original statements were pretty asinine. However, it has been a while, and I do personally realize I am prone to holding a grudge way, WAY past its expiration date. Personal failings and all that. So I want to avoid getting

Go on youtube/amazon/wherever and watch Good Eats. Alton Brown is my hero. One of my biggest holdups when learning to cook was the why question.

"Why am I adding eggs? Why do I need 3 and not 1? Why is bread flour important? Why all-purpose? Why flour at all? Why baking soda AND baking powder?"

Most recipes are

A review for football NOT by Owen Good?

I'm sorry Tim, but I don't trust ANY sports review not given by NC State alumni.

I wish there was an easier way to announce something to all the people who replied to me. It would make discussions easier.

Anyhoo, I'm really happy that lots of people still like Robotech! Sweet. And someone EVEN MENTIONED the Palladium RPG. Awesome!

Also I'm guessing you haven't tried to play it. I love me some

Robotech was seriously one of the best things I ever watched as a kid. Yes, I comprehend that it is the amalgamation of three different anime dubbed into a single unit. Yes, the voice acting it hokey. Yes it has flaws. No, I do *NOT* want to watch Macross instead. I want the show I loved as a kid.

I demand the mod implement some sort of option where any unit that enters into Australian territory takes automatic damage from the sheer number of deadly and poisonous animals and insects.

Yep, that's right.

"Cryboys" is the official jab.

Also... a liberal... in Texas... I'm guessing you're from Austin?

(As your political opposite I'm required to tell you to go back to your abortioning and pot smokining and communistic tendencies you dirty demoncrat. Failure to do so could result in my membership being

I've heard multiple variations. The most common one is 'ran out of funding' - which can mean anything unfortunately. It is more likely that the game ran too far over schedule and Square dried up the funding for it, thus making the actual scenario somewhere in the middle.

Regardless, it is still a good lesson in

Well, I think the journey is part of the game. And when your game goes from "fantastic combat gameplay with 'meh' mecha combat and lots of plot twists" to "5 hours of unskippable exposition" there is something wrong.

And even the destination was a little wonky.

Xenogears should be a staple of ANY video game design class for two specific functional areas:

1) How to budget (or more accurately, how to NOT BLOW YOUR BUDGET ON THE FIRST HALF OF THE GAME)

2) How *NOT* to ruin the awesomeness of your game with a rotten second disc.

All the love I had for that game went out the

A moment of silence for the greatest comedy on TV ever, silenced before its time...

It may be a fine title, but it isn't Final Fantasy.

S-E exec #1: We need to somehow improve the quality of FFXIII-3

S-E exec #2: But it is awful! And we have promised FF6 on mobile next year!

S-E exec #3: WAIT! What if we made that remake SO AWFUL that it automatically makes FFXIII-3 look fantastic?!

The Magic series actually does have a story, and it is sometimes makes some sense in a 'this was totally not written by a 12 year old even though it clearly was' kind of way.

I'm amazed that this post is STILL GETTING likes and comments after so many weeks. Sweet.

Big props to those of you who accused me of animal cruelty. I'm happy to know that a single article written with a humorous bent about a series of truths on an animal that I have owned for 2 years gives you sufficient evidence

I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with "Tom"

(Sorry, couldn't resist the joke - goes back a long way when a friend of mine named Venkaratamin would tell people it was pronounced 'Fred')

Hedgehog quills are actually hairs - not true quills. They don't detach easily from the hedge. Those are porcupine quills.