
Stephen Totilo also made a statement that he wanted kotaku to be a place where gamers feel welcome. I realize my political leanings are unpopular on the internet, but I make it a point to keep them to myself (for the most part - at the very least, I don't lob the first stone). Posts like this, however, are heavily

Wow. This is why these discussions - and these types of stories - should not appear on KOTAKU, a website dedicated to gaming.

Hm, I've written a half-dozen or so responses to this, but I can't think of any way to respond to this post that won't devolve into pointless internet arguments.

Gabe Newell walks up to the mic.

"Half-Life Three"

Gabe Newell walks away from the mic.

Crowd explodes.

(Sorry, pipedream)

This is one thing that gets me in this day and age. Your qualifier about 'defending EA' after snarking about them. It has become necessary for people to mention something along the lines of "Normally I love X, but..." or "I'm not a hater, I just think Y is..." whenever they make a derisive comment about a

Riiiight, but we weren't discussing Japan vs. US, we were simply discussing fanbases for age-group-centric media as a cultural norm. I brought up Japan's cultural view on anime as an example. I could have easily mentioned Lego, classic video games, nerf guns - pretty much any staple of nerddom can have the same

It's a fandom. Fandom has a range of extremes. They're on the internet. You're on the internet. Voila.

But the question is - if you understand that not all Bronies creep you out, why do you let all of them creep you out?

For funsies, look up the term 'deductive fallacy.'
1. Some Bronies are creepers
2. I hate

I will not refute your point, but I will ask you to differentiate between your point and the existence of male Sailor Moon cosplayers.

I've already labeled him as a "youtube commenter" and moved on with my life.

Buuuuut you ALREADY said this, and it comes off just as asinine as it did the first time. If you are intent on making an ass of yourself... good job! If you are intent are trying to prove that I'm a brony for defending bronies... well, try harder douchebag.

Sure, there are - but culturally in Japan, cartoons are for children.

Bullies enjoy tormenting other people. Physically, mentally, emotionally - it doesn't really matter. If you are making someone feel bad for no reason other than your own gratification, you are a bully. It is plain and simple.

Being "creeped out" by a group? Fine - but going around the internet intentionally

Never seen the show, honestly. But I have a "live and let live" policy when it comes to weird behavior. Unless you are hurting other people, in which case... well, that's obvious isn't it?

I have this same policy for other crap - gay marriage, transgenders, people who use the word "irregardless." Unless your outlook

By the same logic, any adult participating in any activity designed for a specific age group or range is also creepy.

See "Pixar movies," "pokemon," "Nintendo games in general."

Or, my personal favorite, "almost any anime."

Ooh, ooh, I can make TWO jokes off this one:

1) Why are you paying $1-2 for trash? Empty bottles are free! Or just hang outside a recycling center, offering to scalp peoples' bottles for double the price of the center. That's like 10 cents.

2) They'll also need power to play it on - $100 a month on average. And a

I've always wanted an R4. Not to pirate games (I haven't done that in... decades?), but so I can cart around my extensive DS library when I travel without making the TSA people stare at me when they inspect my bag.

Mostly hipster.

Go Canes! Best team in the world! Anyone who disagrees has obviously been sheepled by the liberal media hate machine.

It's ok man - do you need a brohug?

Translation: "If I did not moonlight as '6 foot Swedish blonde Olga' on I would not be able to afford food."

Don't feel bad Shane - we've all had to work jobs we're not proud of to make ends meet! I, for one, once sold vacuum cleaners door-to-door.