
Woot! Go Pack!

Ah, FF9! Don't worry Kirk, soon you'll get to an evil obvious badguy and you'll be like "woah! I didn't think Squaresoft would allow a chick to come dressed in like thaAAATOHJESUSCHRISTMYEYES"

And then the story will take a sharp turn into what-the-fucking-hellsville and you'll be confused as shit.

Also I hated the

We accept your compliment. Go, and may your gaming be full of glorious graphics and glorious mods.

And random stupid CTDs. God damn stupid random CTDs.

No! The vast knowledge-shaming shall continue! Here, bask in my glorious knowledge that you could not possibly know:

Is now a good time to points out the Ninja Division / Palladium Books collaboration on a mini-based tactical boardgame?…

Kickstarter already completed, but it should be coming out this November. It should hopefully sate my delicious Robotech thirst...

What? NO! Xenogears is neat in its own right, but the combat system for the non-gears is far better than the gear combat (where it literally comes down to 'did you spend money to upgrade your gears? yes? ok, good').

R.A.D. is the ultimate Pacific Rim game. You just have to learn to mute the voice actors. Because

Technically, all pumpkins are country pumpkins. Some damn hoodlums keep running off with the city pumpkins before they're ripe.

There's no digging. Mo building (yet at least). There are classes. And levels. And items. Combat is a little more pronounced. And it is gorgeous

They already made a FANTASTIC Pacific Rim game. It was called R.A.D. for the PS2. A shame that my TV auto-mutes itself whenever I play it. For my own protection.

And yet, it will probably still be one of the most fun games I'll play this year.

NPCs confuses the hell out of me - they should have gravity and fall. Lampposts are like trees in Skyrim - someone was given the task of putting 550,613 of them in the world, and after number 549,812 they started to see spots. But honestly, a lot of the work comes down to the quality of tools you have available to

This is an engine issue that you see often with vegetation - just load up Skyrim and walk around for 16 seconds and you'll see it. This is because vegetation tends to be almost a foreground-background texture - it literally doesn't exist in the world other and does not have an effect on models (sometimes called a

Skyrim with guns?

This will be your main competition for gamerscore with this game.

I remember before they started doing one-way ribbon cables or even cables with a red line on the right. The cable was unidirectional and it was UP TO YOU to make sure you didn't flip it. I nearly lost a hard drive that way...

Frankly, I number of people need to keep in mind that just because you have an opinion about something, it doesn't mean you need to express it. I have plenty of opinions about everything - politics, religion, games, the Great Pumpkin - and nobody but myself really cares about them. Of course, everyone will come

carlosMarcos is with me - give me 90 degree temps any day! None of your crazy snow stuff.

I don't joke. You people are insane. Anyone who willingly lives in a climate where the temperature can get to the point where it causes a chemical reaction in water is insane. Anyone who chooses to live in a region where this is true 100% of the time is on the fast track to being a Batman villain.

Man, this will suck - they probably have their PCs overclocked to 18GHz and just leave them outside for radiant cooling. Nobody will have the ability to play their games for 4 or 5 years.

Which one? 4? Very well sir - we shall setup a system to identify one another in order to begin our epic battle for the fate of the world. I shall announce myself by a simple action, such as... oh, I dunno. Oh! I know - I'll crouch repeatedly in a quick manner over the corpse of a defeated foe. When you see