
Hmm, that's really more of a Hercules thing. "Receive the gift!" and whatnot.

To my knowledge, he doesn't really have a set saying. Have you ever played Marvel vs Capcom 3 and used Thor's minute-long taunt? That is pretty much 100% Thor. He will not shut up. And he's powerful enough to be able to sit there are NOT shut up and NOT worry about what the enemies are doing.

Based on how they're not even aware of what Thor says while using the hammer (hint: dude talks more than a 15-year old girl on a cell phone), I don't think they're 100% keen on any of the rich Thor tapestry (or "Thorpestry" if you will).

Be careful that nostalgia doesn't give you rose-colored glasses - Xenogears' story was a neverending spaghetti bowl of plotlines with no ends, plenty of holes, bad characterization, terrible dialog, unexplained nomenclature, and poor planning.

I disagree with your point, simply because the 2nd disc didn't have Weltall sitting in a chair for 2 hours talking about his feelings. If they had Weltall doing that, THEN I would agree with you.

Ah, ok, this makes perfect sense.

Where are you from? In order to respond to your question and latter comment, I need an answer to my query.

"These must be Japanese people who live in America, because their make-up is gaudy."

Oh good. I haven't pissed myself in absolute terror in quite a while.

Sadly, if there was a SBJP, I don't think vidjamagames journalists would be considered, and even if they were, they wouldn't be at the top of the list.

They make creams for your butthurt

He used the word 'paradigm' without laughing. I call his entire argument into suspect.

The wizard creation, creature summoning, and spell choices reminded me more of MoM than anything, but MoM was the first game of its type that I played, so I tend to associate. Same reason why I compare all 4X space games to MoO.

It is Master of Magic minus the 10,000 bugs that killed it. You control a wizard. You pick a fav race and school of magic. You get spells from that school. You get racial bonuses from your fav race. It's Civ with magic.

Am I the only one here who didn't like 9? I found the story confusing, the characters blarghtastic, and the combat system to be vile - the need to steal all the best items in the game form bosses with a 0.02% drop rate was aggravating as heck. I recently went back and played it all the way through for my wife, and

Ok, so this artist isn't THAT good. Seriously, he forgot to draw one guy's head!

I can haz PC release maybes?

"Sonic the Hedgehog fans"


Pfft. THIS is why people have no respect for video game journalists. They're all just lazy runabouts who play vidjamagames all day instead of making Dark Cloud 3.