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However, it will never be as good as this little gem from Bobby Jindal:

Eh, it’s just a more specific way of talking about it. As I recall, what “automated manual” means in this sense is that it’s a standard manual gearbox setup only the clutch actuation isn’t controlled by the driver. So conceivably one could put in a clutch pedal and it would work fine. Conceivably. I tend to be with

Presuming the object he’s standing on is in orbit, my (albeit sorta basic) understanding of orbital mechanics is that he’d maintain his relative velocity to the structure, and wouldn’t end up falling. Instead, he’d be in a similar orbit to the object he jumped off of.

So is Bernie? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And a corollary, which I think is also relevant to this particular issue: Is it better to recognize the political reality and maximize your chances of getting elected and getting stuff done or say everything right and make it very difficult to get elected? In other words: Is it better to promise to make make a lot of

I wonder what they’d say if she hadn’t met with them, too. At this point I’m just starting to accept that there are Clinton haters out there that are going to go out of their way to cast her every action in a negative light.

It is an engaging read. There’s a lot of stuff in the book both in terms of depth of character and a greater number of problems to solve that would make it worth your while if you liked the movie.

I really enjoy the book because it’s a very optimistic portrayal of our capabilities as a species. Speculative fiction these days is filled with stories that emphasize how we’re all secretly monsters just waiting for the opportunity to get out. The books’s thesis is essentially that we are good and capable people who

A little bit late to this post, but you know it’s a shorthand for kilowatt-hours per sol, right? And that it’s totally in character for this guy to do that? And that the fact that that bugs you makes you the exact target audience for this book/movie?

Probably not the best automaker to bring that point up with.

Carmax, man. You can get a decent warranty for around three grand that’ll cover repairs up to 100,000 miles at a Porsche dealer for a $50 deductible.

I only have ever used 1Password on iOS, but it's pretty damn fantastic there.

Jesus fucking Christ, white people. Can’t we get our shit together for like one fucking moment? Fuck this is horrible.

Stared because of “still would bang.” Harrison Ford continues to look fine as hell.

See, I would say that but thinking about that requires thinking about her dying. That’s a thought too horrifying to contemplate.

I’ve always thought that Sandra Day O’Connor would be a good choice for the twenty, being the first woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court. (Though she’s not dead yet, which means she’s not eligible.) Other than her, part of me will always want Edith Wilson, though that seems sorta far-fetched (sadly enough).

This is a fair point. I had to watch Fox & Friends this morning (the hotel I stayed at lured me in with free breakfast) and they were already hitting that point.

Eh? It wasn’t saying the deck was stacked against her. People who are rather wealthy saying something about economic inequality doesn’t mean it’s not true.

That's sorta an awkward phrasing in text, but I meant it in the sense that that wasn't true, but it wouldn't matter if it was. I'm not a birther. Swearsues.