
The same reason Obama could still be president even if he was born in Kenya: one of his parents was a citizen. If that's the case, you're a citizen from birth. Some people will debate over wether the "natural born citizen" phrasing in article two of the constitution means born in the US or citizen from birth, but the

It separates men from their actions, though. It allows them to lay the blame for their decisions at the feet of society, rather than their choices. Socialization can be part of that decision-making process, sure. But saying that men are helpless to resist the power of their socialization is very much to say "boys will

It is boys will be boys, tho. You're saying that men are always cheating because of something in their biology/psychology/socialization. Not because they made a choice to cheat on a conscious level. You're placing the decision to cheat in some nebulous place that is a step removed from the cheater. Men cheat, sure.

True. All the fun of divorced parents combined them being famous and not altogether great parents.

I don't know, though. They're profoundly disappointing allegations, and I don't know how much of it is me clinging to what I'd like to believe.

Here you are:

To be fair, his ex-wife has not exactly proved to be the most reliable person on the planet. There have been accusations made against her in a similar vein by people outside her marriage. I mean, Bill could still be an abusive jerk. But I think the truth, as it always is, is perhaps more complicated than that.

In 8th grade, I started sobbing in the middle of class because I had gotten an answer wrong in a Jeporady review game about the constitution.

Seriously. If we're going to be in the business of violating civil liberties (which we shouldn't be, but for the sake of argument), we should be getting results, stopping attacks, and keeping stuff like this from happening. But we don't. It's not a trade of freedom for security. It's a trade of freedom for the

Seriously. That sentence has about ten extra words.

As I recall, though CarPlay is a layer on top of the existing software rather than a replacement. If you've got an iPhone you can use it, but your android will work with the base. I think Android Auto is the same way, too.

You do have a right to an opinion, I suppose.

I'm really willing to accept not winning best picture. That's okay. But it's insane it only won one award.

Defamer is a fucking disgrace.

That's fair, but how much of that shaping is done by the directors, screenwriters, etc. as opposed to the actors? It's not like an actor is just ad libbing what a character is. There's a lot of writing a creativity that goes into creating that character, not all of it coming from the actor.

This is true; I had forgotten that. That's certainly hard as hell to do.

You seem angry.

But it is about imitation, though. Some might say it was an imitation... Game.

Did you see Boyhood? Because the actual age progression of the actors and the depth of their chemistry because of the 12 years certainly made this particular song better.

There's kinda a reason for that, though. It's comparatively easy to inhabit a fictional character. There's no absolute reference for who they are. For a real person, you've got to portray them in a way that convinces the audience that you are that person, truly, even if they've already seen that person in real life a