
Come on, it’s pants on fire.

You are capturing, for yourself, the world’s economic growth rate.

AHA!  That’s just what a Jew responsible for the weather would say!

I know you really want to drag McCain (and there are many reasons to drag that loony hypocrite, including her “don’t exclude women fighting to keep women down” bullshit), but we all need to be honest about Louis Farrakhan. The man is a misogynist, a homophobic bigot and a loony anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist (like,

Well thats just absurd. We may control banking and Hollywood, but jews cant be held accountable for the weather.

It’s not a particularly bad look if you believe that jews are responsible for every disaster, Natural or otherwise, that has befallen humanity for the past 3000 years. That’s what Farrakhan Basically believes. No exaggeration.

On this particular issue, Megan McCain was correct. Tamika Mallory will not actually say, “I completely condemn Farrakhan’s statements regarding Jewish people. “ She kind of weasels around these statements every time she’s asked, leading people to justifiably wonder how she truly feels.

I’m not going to try and get in The Rock’s head, so I’m not defending what he’s getting at here per se, but I — as someone that clearly identifies as a liberal and supports the progressive movement, who can’t stand the right as it exists today — believe he makes a very good point, in general about a segment, not all,

Wait, a popular comedian using a rare nationwide platform to inform people about a historical injustice almost no one knows about should be criticized because he didn’t take direct action to rectify those injustices? Is there like a group of militant comedians somewhere trying to stage an uprising or something?

She would prefer the opposite of whatever the white people did. But if he’d done the opposite on stage, she’d have a 10,000 word editorial about how that was wrong, too.

“Hey, why won’t white America acknowledge these injustices?”

No one is giving him a cookie. He’s a comedian who made a joke with a purpose. He’s not MLK, and he’s not pretending to be. Grow up.

Was Samberg asking for a cookie?

Really, so white people aren’t supposed to be progressive?

Cool. I’ll go back to not giving a fuck then. Solve your own problems. Nice 10,000 word blog entry about your indifference, by the way. Very productive.

Imma let this one pass. If everything is an outrage, then nothing gets to be one

yet another display of “Yay Progressive Whites!” with the subsequent back-patting for calling out an obviously grotesque moment in American history on national television, yet doing nothing else about its historical effects on the community today.

I'm shocked there were people on Twitter pissed off about something.

Please disperse! Nothing to see here!

Yes, there are an awful lot of words in this article, and yet they never actually form the important point, which is the one that you make here: Anti-Semitism is evil and wrong, Farrakhan is and always has been a horrible anti-Semite, and Farrakhan should thus be condemned for that.

That’s not hard to do.