How can we get Dolan to sell the Knicks/disappear from civilized society?
His Dan Carlin interview is fantastic
I don’t know if I’d call it convenient. He went to Princeton on an ROTC scholarship in 1950 so he knew he’d be serving at some point and at that time, no one really knew how long the Korean war would last or if that war would turn into a larger war against the USSR or China. My main point is, he didn’t shirk his duty.
Rumsfeld served in the Navy for over 3 years. You can call him a hawk, but you can’t deny he was willing to be the one doing the actual fighting.
Love me some Bob Lee Swagger
25 heavy bombers....holy hell, that’s a WWII esq. bombing raid
Something’s not right in Carolina*
“Charles Johnson is currently on the IR for the 7-1 Carolina Panthers. He, of course, wanted to watch his possibly undefeated teammates play the Titans today”
If only Ray McDonald were there to smooth things over
It’s not about which candidate gets nominated, it’s about how much of the Republican base comes out to vote next November. The right hates Obama so much that I believe they will come out in FORCE next November for whoever is nominated just to make sure we don’t have another 8 years of him. It may sound like a dumb…
Like I said before, I agree that a large number of GOP congressmen and candidates are buffoons. That being said, there are still some candidates who are not as big of clowns as you say. Marco Rubio is intelligent, well spoken, and talks more actual policy than Carson and Trump combined.
Now that is something we can both agree on.
I don’t think you understand how parties win the presidential election. It’s not about “being part of the debate,” it’s about who can get their base to turn up on election day. You may think the Republican’s are all clowns but a sizable portion of the country disagrees.
It doesn’t matter. “Democrat’s fall in love, Republican’s fall in line.” The GOP base despises Obama so much that they’ll have record numbers turn out next year. Meanwhile Hillary doesn’t have the messiah complex Obama did so she won’t have the turnout he did. In the end, the election comes down to who can get their…
Pride comes before the fall
And there it is again, the typical liberal mindset: “The only way the GOP wins is by rigging the election because clearly all our policies are morally right and the majority of people support them.” It’s just hogwash. Maybe you only come here for the news so you think that everyone is as sanctimonious and…
I can’t wait to read this website November 9, 2016, when the GOP wins the presidency and you all collectively shit a brick. “But we’re on the right side of history!” “The GOP is evil!” “Their views are backwards!” You’re all counting your chickens way before they hatch. And when you all celebrate Obama for deciding to…
If I wrote an article called “How to kick a woman in the clit” this website would collectively shit a brick. Because it’s being done to men though, not only is it morally right, it’s necessary.
Ya......I say we let Russia have that country