Keyboard Ross

Absolutely, the far right and far left are far more alike than they would ever venture to believe. Places where far left or far right authoritarianism have been implemented have become flaming hellholes of death and despair. Unfortunately, the populations were too misinformed to see it coming. Whether it was using

Also not our friends: sports teams.

Wait - are you implying that politicians in the US put constituents ahead of their party?  If so, we need to have a talk...


So are they.

Okay, Asian-identity police.

I simply cannot imagine why they’re having trouble finding buyers. What media conglomerate wouldn’t want to own a website ran by a bunch of college kids with enough unearned smugness to power a small city that routinely shits on it’s current owner?

A step above Shannon Tweed. 

He looked like he was 60 years old in his 40s and looked like he was 60 years old in his 70s.

I know this pain as I live in Detroit. It is maddening.

Only if you think immigrants never assimilate into their new country and they continue being immigrants for generations. 

let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.

The fact that they were all terrible people was exactly why I hated the show.  I guess I was a millenial before millenials existed.

He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.

I had some white girl whining to me about her poor, dear grandmother not having privilege when she moved here in the 40s and trying to convince me that she had it so hard as a white woman in the 2010s.

Yet, in every conversation about race and its implications, someone will cite the “My grandfather came here with 10 cents in his pocket and with hard work, he made it!” myth!

Holy shit, lay off the recreational outrage.

The technology is the same so the mention of past uses and the moral questions that raises is directly related to this, the same use of the technology, again mapping faces onto films they did not appear.

You’re CHOOSING to be outraged, because that’s in nowadays. I need a

If you read that first comment as upset, you really need to work on the reading comprehension skills. Best of luck.

He was upset?

Wow, someone doesn’t agree with you, so you just misrepresent their words. Very mature.