Keyboard Ross

I consider myself to be pro-union while hating the way most American unions are managed. This UAW mess will unfortunately add to anti-union sentiment.

that one with Demi Moore.

Look at mister “I last more than 2 seconds” over here

That is so not the opposite of taking somebody’s underwear!

could i BE wearing anymore clothes?

i did it!!!! also, what a stupid camera.

That’s not the point. I agree with you that he’s not a great actor. But this is about star power and money. He gets butts in seats and is a pretty good actor with a limited range that suited the role, THAT’S why they cast him and gave in to his demands. Not because he’s a great artist.

I don’t get this attitude.

100% her agent failed her. If she’s required for re-shoots then, excuse the phrase, she’s got them by the balls. The $80 per diem shows there was some negotiation and it was a travesty on the part of whoever negotiated for her. I hope we’re missing something here and instead she negotiated for a percentage increase of

By “those” guys do you mean a guys possessing logic? Wahlberg obviously has a better agent but god forbid we don’t make out to be about the patriarchy.

I don’t want to be one of ‘those’ guys but Wahlberg negotiated the bonus. Williams did not. This is irrelevant clickbait.

Maybe they should have changed him into a walkie-talkie.

Yeah, the whole Christmas is just December 25th irks me. You lose all of the real Christmas season when you end it on the first day. Although to be fair, some of the days are downers and we always acknowledge the Feast of the Holy Innocents, but don’t spend too much time in way of celebration. We always celebrate

Clearly every fighter pilot has hallucinations.

Apparently another reason to make him a prince is so he wouldn’t be subpoenaed in his friends divorce trail.

In Jeter’s mind, he was just eliminating a clubhouse cancer.

Maybe her best work was before my time but I’ve always thought of her as a society matron masquerading as a journalist. She was too much of an insider with powerbrokers to hold anyone’s feet to the fire unless they were D-listers. Look at the way she dismissed Corey Feldman when he tried to even hint at abuse.

The thing that drives me crazy about the new wave of advent calendars is that they’re almost all Twelve Days of Christmas, leading up to Christmas. But the Twelve Days are supposed to start on the day *after* Christmas and lead up to Epiphany aka Twelfth Day on January 6th! They’re doing both advent and Twelve Days

I’ve never had the desire to live in the city, but this is one HUGE deterrent in many areas. I live in a suburb of Detroit. No parent willingly sends their children to Detroit Public Schools.

The problem here is that there’s probably a misunderstanding in your home about who is in charge.