I sure hope so. I type this as I sit at my desk in GM’s headquarters drinking Detroit water. I’m getting ready to head out for the weekend and drink more Detroit water at home...
Its not sub par. Its quality. The guy is a moron.
Detroit’s water system routinely comes in quite clean. I used to live in Flint when I went to college there and I read the water quality reports myself as part of my analytical chemistry class. People assume it’s dirty because of the long history but the past 20-30 years of environmental regulation and restoration…
My guess is that because he is a Christian who is also a gun enthusiast he feels at odds with the fact that he’s ok with the liberal values he’s around — marriage equality, taking care of the environment, etc. As a (very) liberal Christian myself I know that feeling. If a person is truly following Jesus’ teachings,…
Yup. I often find myself playing a little game of “how much less frequently can I brake than the guy in front of me”.
The greater the number of political, religious, and or cause stickers on the back of the car, the worse the driver.
Does not matter which side of the aisle their views reside on.
There is actual sports news going on now.
What the hell are you talking about? Who did I defend? That woman said some pretty ignorant shit. Which was quickly followed by a bunch of other people saying some ignorant shit. All I was doing is pointing out the fact that you’re not much better than her if you stoop to her level.
I completely agree lol, but if you’re expecting to find rational people then you came to the wrong place. I’m just here to read how jubilated people are at someone losing their job because they don’t have the same beliefs as them.
31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
Mandatory reporting by certain entities/personages of abuse or neglect is mandatory of regardless if the information comes to you via hearsay; it removes the reporter’s discretion and hands the ball off to the appropriate investigative agency (who can then interview direct witnesses).
“I am tired of victims’ getting in the way”
Takes, in order of takeness
- The best era for music was when you were 18-24
In a just world people would have what they earned and thus would be billionaires
I think her face looks like an over-upholstered ottoman. She needs to be a little bit more cautious with the injectibles.
I think maybe you need the therapist, dude.
As Phil Ochs used to say about liberals, “Ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.”
“I feared that some acquaintance would see me, interrogate me and never think the same of me again.”
One of the podcasts I listen to wants to put a 5 year lag on Oscar voting, since usually the better movie/performance/whatever is more evident with a bit of a delay. Works for MLB.