Old People Showings - closed captioning, plus a theater employee on hand to answer all the “who’s that guy?” “What is she doing?” “what is happening” questions.
Old People Showings - closed captioning, plus a theater employee on hand to answer all the “who’s that guy?” “What is she doing?” “what is happening” questions.
Paul Blart would work dat dart bar dart
He found a stimpak
I shot the clerk
But the kids want to see big ben.
They could fill time with realistic wait times for cabs and elevators.
I feel like something about Q is about to come out, and he’s setting up distractions.
James McEvoy
I read this and my winter coat turned into a Charlotte Hornets Starter Jacket.
n the interview, Jones, who clearly does not give a flying fuck at the age of 84,
and waking up naked the next morning in a makeshift ball pit
Jones segued into another topic by saying, “You like Brazilian music?”
Thanoscopter confirmed
a Bentley Bentayga, which apparently start at 230k
I was hoping the left turn signal would be on
Make me look like Miley
I had been through so many rings of fire by that point.
They Came To Burgle Gronk’s House
bandleader Questlove, a noted Prince expert, who gave the thumbs up.