How much is your time worth? 13 cents/45 min? 1 french fry/30 min?
How much is your time worth? 13 cents/45 min? 1 french fry/30 min?
in Grand Rapids, MI
Yep, that and Rerun of the Jedi
The question that should be asked is “are you a competitor?”
Remember the original host, who the designers hated and would make fun of her to her face and she wouldn’t realize it?
Marnie-Approved Regulation Sized Microwaves
“This time we didn’t forget the gravy”
+ dickety
It’s a Mars Pajama Jammie-Jam!
I read every line of that excerpt in “Nationwide is on your side” singsong.
I’d continue dropping fruits in conversation, like “how do you like dem apples”, “this is bananas”, and “sour grapes”. Just play it off like you have a fruit metaphor thing.
Cricket players all look the same, amirite?
I take it that the author is not much of a reader. There comes a time when you realize that you will never have a enough time to read all the great books out there.
it’s so fun to be the one person in a group of four who doesn’t know how to play euchre. “It’s ok, we’ll teach you!”
“lalbnknkvrllblnblg Nothing is over dfklanflvlevvnlnhlldfeglweoocglg”