Keyboard Ross

"I root for the Packers because they're closer"

One cheek on the seat.

Knock-knock-knockin on cabin's door.

Extroverts gain energy from groups. Groups drain energy from Introverts.


I can't wait to read Drew's take on Gregggg's take on this.

I wish there was "Sim U", a simulation of a university.

I'd bring back Phil Hartman. We need the laughs.

For a moment I thought Sean Penn wasn't going to announce the winner, but rather calmly put it back into the envelope and walk offstage.

How long on the grill until they taste like ham?

So I take it you don't want to see my "GoPro funeral" video?

2014 Silverado High Country - This One Goes to 11.

Searching for something in a database = popup window of every person and map it scans through in the background.


However much you possess there's someone else who has more, and you'll be fancying yourself to be short of things you need to the exact extent to which you lag behind him.

Miller's is awesome.