
we've had to deal with this disappointment in the US for months now. At least you didn't have to deal with the beta release of crappy first month.

you know if the nexus one had some more internal memory, it would still be the best money can buy. My nexus s doesn't hold a candle to my nexus one, but for some reason, even rooted, I still run out of memory on my N1. Sad.

fuck off parents. If you don't like the games, don't let your kids buy them!

not free.

on the other hand, in my country, usa, corrupted politicians and their greedy fat owners already own the governments and the courts. American's distractions with iphones and reality shows have made it almost too late to recover from this steady march of fascism.

In other news, people continue to have kids as if the planet doesn't have too many people already.

fascism on the march. Now the gvmt is making laws to guarantee profits for corporations...


I hope to God they give us and FPS view as an option. I've aged since the first tomb raider and now the 3rd person view really makes queasy...

you then run the latest cyonagen nightly and revoke access you don't think is necessary per each app.

I a politically fascist system, the gvmt and the industry are basically run by the same forces.

let's just hope it's made by HTC. Samsung cuts too many corners and motorolas just feel cheap.

outlook totally sucks. I hate it at work and I won't use it at home.

here's what's confusing. I don't see any plans offered by ATT or VZW that are off contract. what's the point of getting an unlocked phone if you still have to be in a contract, it misses the whole point.

It says in the release notes that the licensing problems were fixed.

DOA, I hope :)

is the US the only country in the world with shitty privacy rules?

what am I missing. I have a logitech MX518 and I have to turn down the CPI to 600 in the software, otherwise most games are simply unplayable as the speed is way too fast, even with that, normally in the game I have the mouse sensitivity turned all the way down.

Why is it when I was younger, I could stand in a filed and they simply ignored me while gorging on my friends. Now in my 40's, all of a sudden I'm tasty to them...