
confused here! My eyes have never been scanned, how is this useful then? so they scan my eyes and get no info on me from them... This is fishy, sounds to me like another way to collect info and populated the databases.

Now this is cool. Hopefully it works better than services like textplus and others that spend more time being down than working

That was so funny. I can't wait to play this game

I think that was just added to CM in the x87 nightly

I've been doing this for years, only with baby safety pins, takes 30 seconds.

Under a federated system with the 10th amendment provisions that probably won't work, because then it would be considered a federal tax, thus usurping the power of the states to collect.

Ya know, I say more power to main street.

Fascism in its most classic definition. Government and Business conspiring to protect/share profits at the expense of the populous.

I run an older laptop with XBMC. The biggest pain was getting the mouse controls to work with eventghost. It was such a pain in fact that next time I'll just buy a streamer and be done with it.

only in a nation of morons can something like this happen.

Awesome, maybe the next "nexus" phone can go back to it's awesome HTC Nexus one roots

if you discover that screebl all of sudden starts to suck, whether you use this app or tasker, it's because autorotate is turned off. Screebl seems to malfunction when auto rotate is off.

why is that snake still moving? reflex?

LH really needs to suggest the best ones that work with DD-WRT, since this is kind of a geek blog and all...

Android isn't just open source, which means the OS is open source, but it's also open platform and open architecture, which means exactly what the Giz "tech writer" thinks it is. You know, like being able to run intel hardware with windows or linux...

*going* to be?

so are they getting rid of AIM?

batteries, for christ's sakes, these are the biggest letdowns of the 21's century. Same tech as the babylonians used 6000 years ago!!! WTF, time for a new one of doing batteries.

how could paying for something from inside and app be a fucking patent?