
@Anodos She's the original and most iconic.

OMG! Do you know how badly I could get addicted to this game...

adding my vote for boresneak.

Doesn't apple have a patent on employing design gurus?

I grew up in the middle east and Europe. Ooranos is the name used for that planet all over the world, in arabic, there is no other way to pronounce it, and most EU countries where the english anus means nothing, also pronounce it ooranos, it's the real greek word.

I've been a swype beta tester since the very beginning. I just installed this latest one, and now I have two entries for swype: Swype and Swype Beta!!! I know the swype beta is the latest one but wtf, now my dictionary didn't get imported and this is very weak!

I have a question, I have a brand new Samsung Smart TV with the smart apps hub.

I'm gonna say this until they day I die:

Also Xiialive and mediaU.


Cliff, we need the cookie or whatever to remember the last view or the preferred view. I don't want to have booksmarks for all these sites an I'm tired of having to choose it blog view every time.

hmmm, tempting, the idea of a new breed of corporate executives and politicians... tempting.

Correction: Replaced with Nookd not Nooked as the title suggests.

do a search for "bulk ammo"

so how much money are we wasting protecting israel from an imaginary threat?

where do I get it? It's not on the play market, it's not on yahoo, it's not on google.

I would love it.

what about no script for firefox? I keep all scripts disabled until I really need them

not sure which world they're talking about. STALKER fans love these games and they'll flock in droves if they make another one, bug free :)

Please tell me there will be UT4