
But does that really matter when those “literate” people are only using it to try reallllly hard to be funny on twitter?

It aired, you fucking cry babies. I watched it. Fuck. You bitch about EVERYTHING.

This is definitely not the America I grew up with.

WHY IS THIS EVEN NEWS?!?! FUCK THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Professional sports exist for one reason: to distract the average person from real issues.

You, and EVERY jerkoff that uses ANY iteration of “smh, smdh,smmfh. etc.” will ALWAYS and forever go into the “don’t listen to this complete fucking moron” pile.

Maybe Facebook and Zuckerberg are fucking jerkoffs with too much power.

Seriously. There are no doubt a TON of people who are poor that don’t deserve to be. But holy shit, are there are a ton of idiots out there or what?! For instance, the majority of the people I see who are “poor” or don’t have jobs are people who have fresh Jordan’s on and own iPhones. These are the same people that

Let’s just keep giving these fucking dogs money. Clearly they need it. Disgusting. I hope that whole part of the world becomes a giant hole, and we fill it with the all of the bodies of the people currently living there.

You’re fucking disgusting on so many levels.

Thank God it’s the whole thing. Someone needs to do some firing and hiring over at Gawker.

Isn’t it fucking ridiculous?? I mean, I took VERY good care of my first iPad. And because Apple loves to play these obsolete games, it’s completely fucking useless now. I have always been an Apple fan boy, but the way they treat items only a few years older has COMPLETELY changed my mind about giving them anymore

Look at these fucking fat pieces of shit. Every single cop is in slow motion because they are too fucking fat and out of shape to move at normal speed. They’re lucky the guy they assaulted is an old bastard himself, otherwise we would have once again watched as NYPD fucks something else up.

Facebook and anyone involved with it is the worssssttttttt.

One person CAN do something. Unfortunately that “one person” is someone like a Koch brother or one of these other assholes who are THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM.

WHAT. A BUNCH. OF. FUCKING. CRY. BABIES. Grow up, you PC pussies. I am embarrassed by what you dumb fucks are “offended” by these days. What a fucking joke. If you were offended, you need to take a look at your life, and realize just how soft you have become.

That is ONLY if you have a car. It is not forced upon you UNLESS you drive a car. The whole Obamacare thing? Not so much.

I think that non-answer is a conformation of a “hell yes”.

And you idiots are STILL on facebook. Cut. The. Fucking. Cord.

I absolutely agree. What this says to me is “I’ll take care of my fellow pigment-type, before I take care of you”. The exact opposite of what you’d want from a “soldier”.