Congratulations - you learned something new today. Now you’re a little less ignorant (only a little).
Congratulations - you learned something new today. Now you’re a little less ignorant (only a little).
My lender is United Wholesale Mortgage. And I don’t care whether or not some internet troll smells bullshit. Not that my mortgage is any of your damn business, but I put 20% down on my new home build. UWM wanted to tack on $4k/year in property taxes (divided out over 12 payments obviously). I asked whether I could…
No, I don’t. I opted to exclude property taxes from my mortgage and pay the county directly. Next.
Actually, what I said is true. Rising housing prices have zero impact on the fixed-rate mortgage that I have on my home by even a penny, because the terms of my mortgage were agreed to and set in stone at closing (this could be a different case for someone with an ARM or other type of mortgage product). They are… thoughts exactly. AirBNB does not affect my mortgage by even $0.01. Also, that’s the beautiful thing about OWNING property. You can do whatever you damn well please with it.
Spoken like a true Russian - or like Hitler.
If you are not seeing “Try the new Gmail” option when you click the settings cog, go over to an incognito window (I only tried this is Chrome) and log in to your Gmail account. Click the cog, and you should see it. Click the option, wait for it to load (in the incognito window) and click through the prompts to see…
Very well put together and informative. Thanks!
Kinda bummed my personal email hasn’t rolled over yet. My @google email has had this version in dogfood for a few weeks and it’s been great. Y’all are in for a treat once you get it!
I was lucky enough to buy it a few weeks ago direct from LEGO. Got $60 worth of free LEGO rewards money for the purchase (and free shipping). HOWEVER - for the first time ever, I got a set that was missing ONE piece. In the entire build, one of my bags was short one piece. And it didn’t fall on the floor :(
I was lucky enough to buy it a few weeks ago direct from LEGO. Got $60 worth of free LEGO rewards money for the…
Well then your No. 2 bathroom trips must get pretty scary :D
I’m in the Nest ecosystem right now, but would love to be able to switch to the Anker/Eufy system eventually. As someone used to having always connected (powered) cameras, I can’t get behind a battery powered, only on when it detects a person solution, but here’s to hoping they eventually release a powered or even PoE…
I’m in the Nest ecosystem right now, but would love to be able to switch to the Anker/Eufy system eventually. As…
Definitely look around, and don’t be afraid to have multiple accounts. When there’s lots of competition among the banks, I’ll move the balance (with the exception of about $25) to the one with the highest rate, but haven’t had to do so for a while as Marcus has been consistently the highest. I have these accounts at…
I have recently begun to implement this strategy as well. When I update security questions, I put bogus answers and store them in 1Password.
You may want to look into getting a Marcus online savings account. Has been consistently highest over the last few years (1.60% currently, compared to 1% at Capital One 360).
The new gmail does have a Snooze option
The driver of this Tesla is at fault for this accident for the very same reasons the driver of the Uber driverless car that killed a woman here in AZ is at fault for that accident. It is common knowledge that driverless technology is not yet advanced to a point where vehicles can be driven without human intervention.…
Pro Tip: A Costco membership is not needed to shop for items in the food court.
What baffles me more than anything in 2018 is seeing young kids smoking. Like...didn’t they get the message that smoking isn’t cool anymore (sad to say there was a time when it was cool)?