I personally love living in Arizona. We don’t deal with this DST bullshit and the world keeps spinning for us.
I personally love living in Arizona. We don’t deal with this DST bullshit and the world keeps spinning for us.
damn...I’ve been waiting for another Dyson deal, and I click it and get the dreaded “UNAVAILABLE” :(
damn...I’ve been waiting for another Dyson deal, and I click it and get the dreaded “UNAVAILABLE” :(
I agree with you whole-heartedly. I have purchased a total of 8 notes and 2 were charged off. Of the 2 charged off, the invested amount in each was $25. I received $10.30 of the C-grade note at $4.69 of the F-grade note. Obviously, the grade of note correlated with the risk and amount lost here. I’ll also note that 3…
Basically, sites like Lending Club already do this. It’s essentially P2P lending. I’ve been a member of it for a number of years but I’ve recently decided to withdraw whatever is left of my funds once the loans are repaid. I’ve already had two loans default. While the investment in each individual loan can be as low…
Here’s to hoping you can find a much better place to work in the very near future. This setup sounds absolutely miserable.
I have to admit that a stick of butter will last in my countertop butter dish for well over a few weeks if not a month. Never had a problem with taste or texture, and I’ve never gotten sick. Love me some unrefrigerated butter!
I was so disappointed at this news. We could have used, uh, I don’t know...maybe BACON?
Having sat on a jury for a murder trial and mulling over the definitions of 1st degree, 2nd degree, manslaughter, etc..., there is absolutely a case to be made that this swatter at least was participatory in committing manslaughter. Their act of negligence contributed to the death of a human being.
I’ve never seen the show, so was coming in looking at it figuring it was a stock photo. Whoops!
Good to know...never watched that show, so I was looking at this photo just figuring it to be a stock photo.
Who else sees a phallus in the picture at the top of this article?
As far as I can tell, we stopped slaughtering native indigenous people hundreds of years ago, and now this isn’t a regular occurence... Seem’s like we’ve stopped...
Great article Beth. I am a Crossfitter but not the type that preaches Crossfit to everyone, all the time, everywhere. If someone asks me about it, I’ll share my experiences, but I’m not the preachy type. A lot of people on the internet base their opinion of something on videos they’ve seen posted on YouTube by people…
EDIT: Dentist, Doctor, etc: This can wait until the next time you visit them, but when you do, don’t remember to tell them you’ve moved so they can’t send your bills to the right place. :)
Thank you for this one. Didn’t even think of it!
Remind me again how we can send a dead mass-murderer to Gitmo or give him the death sentence? Keyword: DEAD
Exactly my thoughts...It’s not as if retailers are selling items to cash paying customers at a lower price. The prices are raised for everyone, regardless of payment method, so you may as well take advantage by using a reward credit card.
I love my eufy (you guys posted a similar discount a month or two ago), but the only thing I’d like to really see added is invisible barriers. Yes, you can close doors, but there are a few places in my house I’d like to just block off where no door exists.
I love my eufy (you guys posted a similar discount a month or two ago), but the only thing I’d like to really see…
I have AT&T Call Protect and it works like a charm. I occasionally get “Suspected Spam” or “Telemarketer” calls, but I just decline them and promptly block those numbers in the Call Protect app. Highly recommended. And glad my carrier doesn’t charge me for this service (looking at you Verizon).
Your best bet is to contact AT&T and ask them why.