
Jason. You work a a company. I assume there are more than one person there. You don’t like the game or the series. So much so you skipped one of the prior TWO games. WTF would you be chosen to review it?

She’s in costume as Nissa, an MTG character. But way to go being a dickhead about a 7 year olds clothes, hope you’ve had a good day.

You’re part of the problem.

I would also like to remind everyone that NSFW stuff comprises a good chunk of Patreon’s fiances. If they bite the hands that feeds them, those folks will go elsewhere, and by default, cut drastically into Patreon’s cut.

Don’t cut yourself on that edge!

Oh dear Myles, nice, effective troll, 10/10, won’t star.

neat, another game where I need to grind for jewels or something so I can have a chance to win a shiny jpeg of my favorite characters in a gacha

Step 1: Avoid Reddit.

As well reviewed or fun as it looks, as gorgeous or creative the visuals are, I just can’t get past the rabbids. they’re ugly, annoying, and no way I could stand 30 or more hours with them much less 30 seconds. they’re like the manifestation of scratching a chalkboard to me. I may miss out on a good game, but those

Can You Please Stop Typing Like This Because It Is Fucking Annoying And Looks Idiotic

I have no issue playing the ACA Neo Geo games in handheld mode with the four directional buttons, I think you’re overreacting a little.

No I’m acting like they are modern redesign of the original covers exactly as the article says and my personal opinion if that they don’t look like good covers but look like great inside art under the discs.

Sorry, but the original Wipeout cover is already design perfection.


You got to go to his video and start giving it a thumbs down, we have to show that his bullshit apology is not gonna fly.

‘I mean, they’re just jokes. There’s not actual Nazis out there, what are you talking about?’

wow, what a hero -_-

Nintendo has moved on, and they don’t care about you guys anymore.

Yeah, at first I thought their strategy was terrible and they should have had another game ready at launch, but the steady flow of releases is much more preferable. It ensures that I keep playing the Switch basically every month because there’s always something new.