P Spliffs
realpspliffs I’m gonna listen to anything the guy from the Stop Snitching video says.

After reading this, I’m not sure I believe you’ve ever been in a library.

You’re right, everybody knew Welker was gonna blow up and start leading the league in catches before the Patriots traded for him and Moss was coming off a spectacular run with the Raiders and didn’t seem washed up.

Drug addict? Really? Do you drik coffee?

Some states don’t allow smoking in any public building such as restaurants, bars, etc. Like the state I live in. Not that hard to avoid places that allow smoking.

This escalated quickly

Per Google, Cleveland is closer to Pitssburgh than Columbus so no.

How do Cleveland fans not become Boston fans? Hmm. Don’t win any Super Bowls, World Series titles, or any Stanley Cup titles (does Cleveland even have hockey). Should be pretty easy for Cleveland to accomplish.

Wow, so edgy.

Very orignal, Chicago.

“did you really want more of the exact same?”

Sure seemed like an excuse to me...and pretty much everybody else commenting here. But I guess it’s cool for her to spout racist shit as long as she’s comfortable.

Just wondering why idiots like you always seem to have an excuse for people being racist pigs. Maybe she said that shit because shes a racist pig.

I can’t wait for him to fail another PED test, then try and bribe the tester again. Fuck this guy.