Yes, your question was quite absurd. At least we can agree on that
Yes, your question was quite absurd. At least we can agree on that
I don’t really have a problem that they used this robot and blew this guy up. Was just responding to your idiotic comment that the other type of robot would have to be teleported to the scene. Maybe it could have been driven to the scene, like this one was, during the hours long stand off. No teleportation required I’m gonna listen to anything the guy from the Stop Snitching video says.
It’s probably kept in the same place as the robot armed with bombs. Did they teleport that robot to the scene?
Except you’re guessing wrong. He’s not imagining anything as these things actually do exist and are in use by police throughout the country.
After reading this, I’m not sure I believe you’ve ever been in a library.
You’re right, everybody knew Welker was gonna blow up and start leading the league in catches before the Patriots traded for him and Moss was coming off a spectacular run with the Raiders and didn’t seem washed up.
Drug addict? Really? Do you drik coffee?
Some states don’t allow smoking in any public building such as restaurants, bars, etc. Like the state I live in. Not that hard to avoid places that allow smoking.
Exactly, I’ve def deluded myself to satisfy my creepy fetish for homicidal maniacs. WTF? The shit the peanut gallery comes up with.
$250 million. Is that better ir worse?
Pretty sure this is a joke in reference to the Peter Tiel/Hulk Hogan situation.
You do realize that there’s nothing in his comment to suggest he doesn’t know that, right?
Ya, he totally should’ve just let that guy burn Martha Kent to death instead. At least then, at the end of the day, he could look himself in the mirror and be proud that he didn’t use a gun.
This movie was pretty shitty, but I don’t get all the hate for Batman “murdering a bunch of people.” He murdered a few, who were all trying to shoot him with 50 cal machine guns and gatling guns. Self defense yo. Two other guys died because some dude pulled out a grenade and Batman beat him up and he dropped the…
Young Biz Markie in that picture looks like present day Lebron James.
This escalated quickly
Per Google, Cleveland is closer to Pitssburgh than Columbus so no.
How do Cleveland fans not become Boston fans? Hmm. Don’t win any Super Bowls, World Series titles, or any Stanley Cup titles (does Cleveland even have hockey). Should be pretty easy for Cleveland to accomplish.
Umm...she wasn’t in Pan.