P Spliffs

Well it is nice and cool in his parents basement where he’s posting from.

Ya and we’ll see what happens when Ausin gets half an inch of snow and your whoe city shuts down for like 4 days

The only thing I love more than users claiming a post was a joke after the fact are those very same users getting defensive and having to resort to pointing out peoples grammar mistakes in a sad attempt to save face.

But Eck rules.

How long did the NFL suspend Brady for?

So he’s David Ortiz, but with more power the opposite way?

Leftwich is the Cardinals QB coach.

If Brady did this, he probably would have been suspended for 4 more games.

No, Stephen Hawking.

That is one happy looking duck playing baseball in the MLB logo.


Its like she read somewhere that nobody can fuck with you if you have a masters degree.

You paid for nba tv pass to watch the wolves the past 2 years and you think you’re not the sucker?

I really doubt thousands of pitchers have pitched 5 plus innings of perfect ball in the majors in the same start.

Some football player.

Boaty McBoatface?

Price was in no way damn good last year. He was average. Yay, he led the league in innings. Pretty expensive innings eater is what he was.

Eh, eh, eh....

Well, ya, Draymond Green with his dick kicks.

Sheldon Richardson never played for the Bears.