
I had a 1996 900 turbo SE. One of the best cars I’ve ever owned.

My first impression of that truck was a VW fiberglass kit car off the set of Freejack. Still is.

This is the vehicle RoboCop should have driven, not a Ford Taurus.

I hadn’t thought of this, but it makes total sense. The other Teslas, even if they’re not all great designs, were clearly designed by professional designers. The Cybertruck, on the other hand, was clearly designed by an overconfident amateur who nobody had the guts to say “no” to.

Cybertruck is designed by Musk and the others by car designers, it’s that simple.

Never gets old

Interesting. I work with a bunch of people that already have one preordered and the cash set aside for the dual and trimotors. Anecdotes be like that sometimes.

Let’s go ahead and get this one out of the way in case any fanbois show up.

Tesla is weird in how they’ve fallen in terms of styling. We’ll ignore the first Tesla Roadster, given that it wasn’t Tesla’s design. Then:

It’s an 80's Hollywood take on what a 2020 truck would look like.

To be fair, most truck owners don’t actually use them as trucks, don’t need a truck, and only want one to look tough or tow a trailer once every five years. So, does it really matter if it fully functions as a truck if it’s never used as a truck? (Don’t get me wrong, like all Teslas, the Cybertruck is hideous.)

I have always hated the Cybertruck. It looks like it was designed by a committee of people who had never used a truck before and have never had an actual need of one, for people who don’t actually want a pickup truck to begin with.

Even the Changli has real headlights. 

Really, they were pretty ingenuitive about it. They didn’t just use what they had lying around, they went above-and-beyond to buy two sets of flashlights to handle the job...they even aimed the damn things, which most people with traditional headlights refuse to do.

I don’t know of any car manufacturer that duct tapes flashlights to the front of their cars upon sale”

I can’t even say anything bad about this person. All I see is a really sad statement on what it’s like to be poor in America, trying to get by, and sinking deeper and deeper as each problem leads to another problem.

Large corporations drive their taxable income to zero as well. Nobody balks at buying them because they manage to do that. A buyer who understands how things work is going to look deeper into the books than what the taxable income is.

He owes no taxes at all. He didn’t make a profit per IRS accounting rules. As a business, you only pay taxes on the profit.

It’s amazing how HD is able to do that, isn’t it? The darn thing just looks like it weighs the better half of a ton.