Bojack Horseman deserves your full attention.
Bojack Horseman deserves your full attention.
7 months Witcher 3?
As an older Final Fantasy player with two children and a job that has me working from 9 until whenever in the evening, with other games to play for work outside of work, 30-40 hours is a big ask.
Yeah, I’ll also take Ben’s proposal over Jim’s. And I love their vows:
Finally playing Alpha Protocol. I’m terrible at stealth games so i’m playing it as one of those secret agents who is basically a mass murderer and a jerk to most people. It’s been pretty entertaining so far.
This should really boost his Yards after Catch numbers.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is H*ckin’?
Ok, maybe I’m being an idiot but what exactly is “h*ckin” supposed to be?
D.B. Pooper
Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Take your star, you jerk.
Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...
Destiny’s weekend vendor Xur is selling the fusion rifle Telesto. If you’re wondering if you should buy it: Yes, yes you should.
This awesome Wind Waker Link action figure comes with a variety of weapons, tools, poses, and even expressions. It’s…
Michael Oher Says The Blind Side Was Bad For His Career
Holy hell, it’s already May. How did that happen?
In a world of regular Steam sales and cheap used games, it's easy to build up a massive stockpile of games it feels…
Fire Emblem, off the Wii U Virtual Console. I'm only up to Chapter 7x at the moment, but I'm definitely enjoying it so far. I came to the franchise by way of Awakening, so it's interesting to play something 'old school'. There's no grinding to be found here so I'm sort of worrying if my guys are getting enough XP, but…
South Park: Stick of Truth, the Rachet & Clank Collection, Injustice. just clearing off as much as my backlog one game at a time...