Realm of Darthon

The Best Is Yet To Come from Metal Gear Solid.  When that kicks in during your trip back to Shadow Moses in Metal Gear Solid 4... awesome.

Such a hard choice.  Maybe Mass Effect 2?  Or possibly Skyrim? Ooh.. Firewatch.  It’s impossible to pick just one game.

I think I played episode 1 like a year ago and finally picked it back up a few weeks ago so I did the same thing.  I’m on a cutting down my backlog kick so I’m trying to finish all of my half finished games.  Finished up Halo 5 and Murdered: Soul Suspect already with about 2 hours left in Batman.  Making some good

I understand where you’re coming from but it really starts to focus more on John Doe and his transformation and that is the part that has really gripped me.  Of all of the new origin stories they made for this game... you personally molding the Joker is really interesting to me.  I can’t wait to see how it all comes

The last episode of Batman: The Enemy Within and then maybe some Madden 17 and Saints Row IV: Re-elected.  Cutting in to that backlog nicely. 

Came here to say this exact thing

Robert Redford

Far Cry 4. Seeing all these reviews / people playing 5 made me want to finally go and finish the 4th one so I can move on. That and Condemned 2 so I can finally get around to retiring my Xbox 360

Oh it definitely is that game. I bought it from Blockbuster when I was a kid and loved every moment of playing it

Finally playing Alpha Protocol. I’m terrible at stealth games so i’m playing it as one of those secret agents who is basically a mass murderer and a jerk to most people. It’s been pretty entertaining so far.

Yakuza 5 and Alien Rage. Have less than a month with PS+ games so gotta get through these ASAP. Maybe Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arizen to break things up a bit

how is this game?

Remember Me and Vanquish when I’m home. The Warriors on my Vita when on my work commute

I found someone at my workplace who also plays 3DS after streetpassing them dozens of times. I streetpass a lot of people in NYC but one name kept coming up over and over and they realized it too so we tired figuring out when we would pass each other via those super short messages you could send to people you

Playing through Disney Infinity 2 and 3 before they shut the servers off in March. Not sure how much effect that will have on the games but it’s giving me a reason to finally play through all the campaigns on stuff in them.

Playing through Mass Effect 3 for the second time since I played the first time so quickly that I was done before the DLC came out. Just finished the Omega DLC and it was a nice addition to the campaign along with Leviathan. I’m hyped for the Citadel DLC as I’ve only heard great things about it.

I actually moved to NYC from New Hampshire and played Dragon Age after I moved here as well. I’ve been meaning to finish up the DA:I DLC so I would have a reason to start again from the beginning. This is one of the franchises that I’ve really enjoyed and sunk so much time in to.

my friend’s boyfriend named his Bulbasaur after her.... since he said the bulb on it’s back is like her big butt....

Probably a bunch of Project Spark because this is literally the last weekend I’ll be able to do that. Got a few more achievements I’d like to collect before they close the game up for good on the 12th.

Starting Uncharted: Golden Abyss during a 2.5 hour bus ride and some Project Spark before it ends in a few weeks. Some Too Human mixed in since I’m currently renting it from Gamefly. Also Pokemon Go because who isn’t playing it.